2011年3月24日, 在马来西亚风水师,Moonchin 先生带领下,印尼风水师 Gunadi Widjaja, 还有Mr Goh 和 Mr. Chin 到我槟城的办事处来拜访兼聚会。 他们的到来让我感到荣幸,我也热情的招待诸位访客。
我们各抒己见、百花齐放…. 论《风水》 大谈《易经》…..
印尼风水师 Gunadi Widjaja 是个实力的风水师,思想清晰,理论与实践并重,在印尼也有许多顾客群,口碑不错。
马拉西亚风水师 Moonchin 风水功夫扎实,有多年的风水经验. 在马来西亚也有名气,口碑不错。
Mr Goh 和 Mr Chin 也学习风水多年.
Gunadi 的思维开阔、Moonchin的内涵、Mr Goh 和Mr Chin 的谦虚,都值得风水同道学习学习…….
In 24th March 2011, Master Moonchin (from Malaysia) led a few feng shui master and enthusiasts to pay me a visit in my Penang Office. We discuss of many issues related to feng shui and Yijing…. current situation of feng shui applications….
Gunadi Widjaja, is a feng shui master from Indonesia. He is talented but polite. His thoughts is clear and he is gifted in feng shui knowledge; well respected in Indonesia and he has a lot of feng shui customers and supporters in Indonesia.
Moonchin, a well known and respected feng shui master in Malaysia…. A very polite and humble feng shui master. He has many years of feng shui experience and a very practical feng shui master.
Mr Goh and Mr Chin are from Malaysia… their spirit in learning is respected. I would say two of them are gentlemen…
Basically, we have a very warm and friendly discussion…