- This feng shui setup was done back in year 2010 when the client about to move into the house.
- The external wealth sector had been identified before 4 small trees(that time) were planted into the ground to create the powerful luck for career and wealth.
- The client came back to me for the 2nd time in year 2015 for feng shui revisiting and reevaluating.
- The client came back again for the 3rd time in year 2019 for feng shui reassurance.
- What you see in the video is the feng shui enhancement setup back in year 2010. It was one of a few powerful feng shui enhancements purposefully done in year 2010 and being maintained till today.
- Looking back the feng shui setup after 9 years, it is appropriate to say that the owner’s career is so solid as 4 trees which are firmly grounded and as flourishing and blossoming as the trees.
- If you wanted this kind of solid career, you should make sure the tree is planted into the ground; instead of potted plant.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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