敬爱的孙老师 :
Your Baby is a giant earth mountain(40.3%) is born on xx YY 2015 at Z:31am, in the final month of autumn season, which is after Cold Dew(08 Oct 2015) and before Frosting (24 Oct 2015). The temperature is moderately soothing and calming.
2. Your Baby stands tall majestically and marvelously, where he is surrounded by grasses and bushes with small plants(16.7%). Yet, there is no big trees but with some open land(6.9%) at the hillside. He alone stands high up on the mountain top. He loves to be honored and to
be served.
3. The sunlight(13.9%) is sufficient in autumn season. This kind of greenish condition makes him feel comfortable and joyful.
4. The brightness(9.7%) and lightness of the scenario is nice and balance for visibility to enjoy the view.
5. He brings jewellery (4.2%) into this life.
6. There is some amount of mist/drizzle/vapor(8.3%) in the mountain.
This makes him to be seen as mysterious and powerful person, which his power is unpredictable.
7. Item 1-6 combination tells that he is brave, active,decisive, independent, straight forwards, explosive with strong desire to succeed in life. He likes to be in full control and wise in debate.
8. The only shortcoming is that, there is no river flow/consumable water(0%) to nourish him.
9. It is vitally to get WATER to nurture and nourish his BaZi.
In fact, the mountain(baby) has 0% for trees, although small plants and grasses are 16.7%. This makes him bold and easily exposed to danger.
Nonetheless, the surname LIM 林, ,means jungle and many trees. Hence, the surname has filled in the need in this respect.
Therefore, the name selection will focus on Metal(4.2%) and Water(8.3%).
Each given names( non- surname) are carefully selected where combo of 1 metal and 1 water are assured. The English translation of each name MAY NOT be able to tell the whole story as each Chinese Character carries multiple meanings and it would change instantly when combining with other character.
However, the translations give you the overall idea of each given name which is sufficient for general understanding.
One issue to be highlighted : the names are selected to secure the surname(LIM 林) . This has certainly reduced many possibilities of the choices.
1. 林锦浩 Lim Jin Hao (Glorious Galaxy with Charm)
2. 林福海 Lim Fu Hai (Auspicious Ocean with Full Providence)
3. 林涛雄 Lim Tao Xiong (Outstanding Cosmic Greatness)
4. 林瑞湘 Lim Rui Xiang (Great Respectable Honor)
5. 林鸿铭 Lim Hong Ming (Notable & Impressive Fame)
6. 林溢鑫 Lim Yi Xin (Prosperity & Luxury)
7. 林宇昌 Lim Yu Chang (Vastness of Dynamic Galaxy)
8. 林淼瑞 Lim Rui Miao (Prosperous Vastness With Energy)
9. 林泉钟 Lim Quan Zhong ( Majestic & Living Fountain)
10. 林泽昌 Lim Ze Chang (Reservoir with Abundance Blessings)
11. 林瑞涛 Lim Rui Tao (Prosperous Cosmic Waves with Power)
12. 林天水 Lim Tian Shui (Heavenly Water with Blessings)
13. 林海量 Lim Hai Liang (Oceanic Vastness With Power)
14. 林海铭 Lim Hai Ming (Oceanic Power with Fame)
15. 林瑞泉 Lim Rui Quan (Blessing Water Fountain)
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333