- Are the United States and the West
envious and jealousof the prosperity and socio-economic advancement that have been achieved by China nowadays? - Can the United States accept & welcome if China overtaking the US one day in 10 – 20 years?
- I think you could fully understand the feeling of the US in this matter since he becomes the ONLY global superpower since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991…..
- It is abnormal if you think that the US is welcoming the rise of China with an open arm…..
- Because the United States, like Number 1, has been proving himself to be jealous of
- Great Britain via American Revolutionary War (1775-1783)
- Germany via World War II thru Arms sales & Attracting Talents (1939- 1945)
- The Soviet Union via Cold War (WW2 – 1991)
- Japan via Economy (the 1980s-1990s)
- and this round is … China?
- The point here is not political analysis but more on metaphysical perspective.
- China civilization focuses on self-empowerment thru personal hard work and efforts day & night.
- China is a bit bound by her cultivated/agrarian/agricultural perspective/mentality of life and the world. 以农建国
- They think that there are safe and justifiable as long as the achievements are thru hard work.
- China is solely lacking a nomadic mentality that stressing on aggression and conquest in the Old Testament.
- China should learn from history that they were terribly conquered by 游牧民族Nomadics like Hun, Xiongnu, Mongol, Tartar & Manchu for example.
- Ancient China which was agricultural & agrarian 农耕社会, then was rocked and captured by nomadic mentality from time to time; whenever China was about to achieve higher advancement but destroyed by them.
- The point here is that the US(Number 1)surely feels threaten and being challenged by the rise of China.
- The American republic was founded on a set of beliefs; including on the principle of believing in God.
- And this god is none other than the god in Old Testament.
- Old Testament is a history book recording how nomadic Israelites conquered agrarian cities one after another for Promised Landunder the guidance of their God, Jehovah. 《旧约圣经》是一部记录了以色列游牧民族为了应许之地,如何攻克其他国家和民族,再取而代之!
- In fact, All indigenous people of Northern & Southern America, of Australia and New Zealand were wiped out from their indigenous homeland by the White under the mode of Operandi from nomadic Israelites as recorded in Old Testament.
- It is hard to believe that the US is not jealous of the achievement of China when you refer to Exodus in Old Testament as below when Yahweh had openly made such a declaration:
- For I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God. Exodus 20:5
- Does the American Army associate with Jehovah / Yahweh?
- Perhaps the content of the video from 2:08 – 3:00 Mins could give you some idea.
- They chanted:” There is no god like Jehovah !”
- China civilization is fundamentally non-nomadic should look into the Old Testament to understand how most of the White people are perceiving the world…..
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