- In accordance to Sumerian Texts, we human were created 200,000 years ago in southern Africa to carry out labour intensive works for Anunnaki.
- According to later Hebrew Texts, we human were created by Elohim(gods instead of god).
- Yet, According to recent genetic researches into the human genome reveal that human APPEAR “Suddenly” around 200,000 years ago in southern Africa.
What is your opinion for Human Origin?
- 根据美索不达米亚文献记载,阿努納基(Anunnaki)神于250,000年前创造了人类,奴役人类于非洲南部替阿奴纳基神从事粗重的工作。
- 根据犹太人的经典,我们人类是ELOHIM(犹太人之神,多神) 所创造的。
- 然而,根据最新的人类基因科学研究报告,现代人类是“突然”于250,000 年前出现于非洲南部。
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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