Xie Zi Fa 些子法 is highly regarded as the TOP secret in Feng Shui world due to its ability to create the wealth overnight… XKDG 玄空大卦 is equally repected due to the myth it could create wealth by tilting the main door at certain degree…..
However, many years of field work observations and empirical data accumulation from various countries ( Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China, India, Switzeland and France) I could sum up safely than majority of the houses of wealthy and upper class elites ( political and economical) DO NOT carry those characteristics prescribed/recommended by XKDG, although some of the properties do have characteristic which are Similar to SAN YUAN and SAN HE. (we could discuss this issue in seperate article) At the meantime, again, I still insist that XKFS 玄空飞星 is a faked formula to justify feng shui. All expereinced feng shui practitioners should aware of these scenerio.
XKDG , version of market driven, commonly practiced nowadays, which has been taught openly, carries many defects. If the version you have is teaching to tilt the main door by certain degree, I could easily assure you, that, you are having faked version of XKDG.
If your XKDG enlighten you about the characteristic below, you are safely having the REAL POWER of XKDG
- Supernatural Power Release
- Dimension Entrance Point of Physical World Vs Non-Phyiscal World
- Point Entrance of Spiritual Power
- Enhancement of Physical World by Non-Physical Power
- Seeing the invisible power in REAL form Creatures
- Controlling the non-physical power(appear in physical form)
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In short, XKDG is a mind mapping into WORLD of invisible, World Beyond your mind comprehension, World Beyond your Rational-Logical Mind… Sadly to say, today, the XKDG is under utilized. its application at door tilting by common practitioners are just representing 1% of the power of XKDG. One % ? yes only 1%.
My point is , knowing XKDG should provide you with basic spiritual protection and equip you with FULL SPIRITUAL Armour and Shield. Ignoring the aspect of spiritual realm shows that you are still immature in the world of REAL metaphysics. Denying of spiritual existence/presence tells that this practitioner is premature to his career or he is lack of spiritual/metaphysical wisdom.

A feng shui practitioner soon or later must have to settle issue related to Spirit presence. Failure to do that only shows his incapability and incapability in REAL metaphysical WORLD
The ghost/evil spirits/angels/ non-physical creatures are so real around us in our tangible world. Becasue Tangible world and Intangible world are interwoven, intertwined and inseparable, just like we could not separate Ying from Yang… they co-exist together…
Recently, I was invited by a medium size company to improve the business performance. I just cut short the story but explain to my faithful blog readers here a spiritual scenerio. GHOST…. Brothers and sisters, I have seen many cases of misfortunes in personal, business and family level, are mostly caused by Ghost and evil spirits. Their family and business are impoverished and exhausted by evil spirits. This kind of Impoverishment and Exhaustion in term of Financial Setback, Personal Happiness and Family Harmony, CANNOT be healed by any feng shui formula, either be Xie Zi Fa or XKDG. because these 2 formula are poweless when confronting with Spiritual Being from Non-Physical World.
My points here are as a feng shui master
- Your eye should be able to see spiritual realm… ghost in this case
- Your ear should be able to hear spiritual voice …. whispering of the spirit in this case
- Your skin should be sensitive to feel their presence…. resisting to leave in this case.
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Brothers and sisters, do you aware that how many feng shui practitoners of XKDG, San Yuan and San He, new age are all HOPELESS and FEARFUL when they encounter with the ghost in the house….????
It is time for you to look into spiritualism…..
If you are interest about spiritualism and how feng shui is practically integrated into your lovely house, kindly look into courses like Daoism Mian Xiang Series in Aug – Sep 2012. The workshops are specifically integrate my personal experiences in feng shui audits, how you could know your destiny my face reading and how to aviod disasters/ misfortunes when it shows up in your face….. The courses are designed for all people as long as you concern about your family well being. At the mean time, we do cover how the moral and ethics at human level also do post threats/ blessing to your family overall well being. All these are from my personal years long fieldwork observation. If you are looking for REAL voice about metaphysics and family LUCK.., then, kindly click link below for further information. All workshops are conducted in bilingual – English and Chinese.
Master Soon
email : master@mastersoon.com
mobile: +6012 560 3333