I have been slowing down article writing, as I am experiencing Spiritual Change since May 2013. My view of feng shui has changed radically and drastically as Divine has opened up many dimensions where and which lay people could not see by physical eye….
While having my spiritual change at home… I know you are waiting for some updates and some kind of inspirations from my blog…. Hence, I would like to share this title today: ” When The Ground is purposely broken for targeted objective, the Heaven Opens correspondingly.”
In fact, I only take feng shui as one among many of my metaphysical tools for luck changing…. To many feng shui practitioner, feng shui formula is the only way to change the luck…
The main obstacle of contemporary feng shui practitioner is : Ignorance of Supernatural POWER and The POWER of DIVINE.
Feng Shui is not simply classified as science. It is beyond scientific realm…. When you perform feng shui audit ( by any school of thoughts) and expecting it would bring some kind of change to your life; in fact, your mind is expecting something which is NOT scientific to happen in your life…. When this kind of unscientific expectation or change is taking place (really happen without scientific facts) …. At that moment, you are experiencing some kind of Supernatural power (despite of/by any kind of feng shui formula)
Nevertheless, THE POWER of SUPER NATURE and The POWER of DIVINE are MORE than ” Feng Shui Formula”; where and which many feng shui practitioners are so scare / afraid of because feng shui formula becomes useless/pointless in front of “Manifestation of DIVINE”….
On the contrary, your feng shui power would be intensified/multiplied/reinforced/ aggravated if you have Power of DIVINE.
Below is the manifestation of DIVINITY POWER in feng shui enhancement.
Objective : To Solve the Corporate Business Obstacles
Mission : To Open Up A New Way for Corporate Business
Methodology : Divine Power + Feng Shui
Medium : Digging the Earth and Opening the Heaven
Condition : A piece of Ground and A Date Were Selected
Pictures : All Pictures were taken by client himself as He was the witness
This year is Snake Year… A date was selected according to the need of the client. A Place was chosen. Three young men were called in for ground breaking… A young man was wanted to spread the water by standing at certain degree. ….
I told the client that 2 signs of nature would happen.
a) Heaven would Open Up a hole as the shape and sign of the hole was dug on the ground,immediate after ground breaking.
b) Golden Toad would come in the night…
Report: It was a cloudy yet sunny on the day itself. The Heaven Opened Up Twice as captured by the client. Many Golden Toads came into the ground where was filled with water.
Result : Until Today… The client is busy with his business now in Shanghai…..
During the ground digging process, the sky turned into raining sky…. symbolized wealth shower… This has become part of my WATER DRAGON feng shui enhancement…. Raining Shower…..
Immediate The ground Breaking completed for 5 mins…. the client was waiting there to capture the OPENING Heaven as I promised…. You could see the client was so confidently waiting for the moment by putting on his I-Pad towards the sky for the scenario as I promised. He got the pictures ….. This is DIVINE VERDICT as I mentioned all the time…. This is the Divine Authority as a competent feng shui master should have.
At Night, the client came back and capture the picture of Golden Toads as I promise …. In Daoism Divinity… Gold Toad is associated with Gold Coin, Money…
These are Living Golden Toads…. NOT plastic gold toad you buy from feng shui shop…..
However, these are ONLY a small part of “the Verdict of Divine” …. Some of the Verdict pictures are reserved for internal circulation….
Brothers and Sisters, I have many concrete picture proofs, which would destroy your faith against feng shui formula like XKFS, XKDG or even QMDJ.
When you have the Divinity Power…. All those feng shui formula becomes …. Powerless…
Associating with Golden Toad is very common in Daoism…
If you wanted to learn how to perform MIRACLE contact Master Soon
Master Soon
email : master@mastersoon.com
Mobile : +6012 560 3333