其原理在于时钟象征“ 时间 ” timeliness,而摆放的方位代表“空间” space; 两者重叠成为” 时空 “玄机。
时空就是 “时间 + 空间” 维度。 一切人生的事物,包括 荣华、富贵、康宁、平安、幸福、舒适等, 都在这 “时间 + 空间” 维度中间 发生。
钟属性是“动态”,而其摆设空间是“静态”。所以,摆设适合的时钟于恰当的方位,就是实际上应用了易经里的“动中有静,静中有动”;和 “阳中有阴乃曰真阳,阴中有阳乃曰真阴”的原理。
时钟不需太大,太大时钟动态太盛,容易造成精神紧张和坐立不安 ;而太小起不了作用。
大苯种不适合面积小的家居,因为“当当当…..” 的钟声是阴性的,容易造成精神恍惚和忧郁恐惧。
三角形、六角形、八角形 或断裂形时钟因该避免,因为容易造成不和,是非,矛盾。为有四方和圆形符合家居安宁。
办公室适宜挂 圆形钟,象征货源滚滚转动,动上加动,门庭若市。
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”, Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on “How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
“Corporate Metaphysical Destiny Revivalism” is his blissful psyche power.
“Business Metaphysical Luck Renewal” is his unconventional motto.
“Destiny Victory” is his audiences’ satisfaction.
Master Soon has completed more than 20 years in researching the established and esoteric facets of Chinese metaphysics and mind strategies, plus unorthodox patterns of Destiny Reinventing method.
and has years to his name, specializing in business feng shui consultation apart from being an adviser in enlightening and inspiring using his Untold Chinese metaphysics. He has also been invited by corporations in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and China to share his knowledge. Some of his past seminars include topics on
- Riding the Horse Year of 2014
- Unknown yet Effective Feng Shui Secrets
- Unknown Monetary Zone
- Untold Treasure Belt
- Unorthodox Way of Destiny Re-design
- Untold Secrets of Luck Re-direction
- Property Feng Shui for Investors,
- Property Projection by Yijing Prediction
- Corporate Feng Shui for Top Management
- Lantern Festival Long Term Money
His proven unconventional method in luck design is effective, striking and impressive.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or call 6012 560 3333