- I am Period 9, Li Fire 九紫离火运, in charge of all aspects of Planet Earth since,
- Great Conjunction Between Jupiter & Saturn on 21 Dec 2020, replacing Period 8.
- Undoubtedly, I am your attractive middle-aged woman(30-39 years old) that mesmerizes you in many aspects including as below:
- Finance & Economy
- Social Status
- Career & Income
- Aura & Ambience
- Spirit & Feeling
- Physical Transformation
- Complexion Transfiguration
- Captivating Personality Revamping
- Fascinating Character Remodeling
- Personal Influence
- etc…..
- I am in my 30s because Li trigram 离卦 is the 3rd by sequential order according to Pre-Heaven Bagua 先天八卦之卦序
- Therefore, you find that I am – Middle-Aged Woman (30-39 yo 中女离火 ) is at the peak(golden time) for a woman in her lifespan; the period of time of the most
- Energetic stamina
- Fire Sparkling eyes
- Sensualizing Sexuality
- Bouncy buttocks
- Elastic Breasts
- Silky Hairs
- Arousing Clitoris
- Gripping Labias
- etc…
- You just need to see the diagram of the Li Fire Trigram 离卦之象, then you see all characteristics above.
- Eve 夏娃 lost this power in the Garden of Eden when ate the forbidden fruit.
- Subsequently, she lost her divinity & eternal life.
- The power of Death took control over Adam & Eve & rapid aging process as an unavoidable consequence.
- I, the Period 9, Li trigram 离卦 was not the cause of the aging and death.
- Rather, I(Labia & Clitoris) am the product/result of the eating of the forbidden fruit.
- Where is the Proof?
- Then the eyes(Li Trigram 眼为离) of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. Genesis 3:7
- For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes(Li Trigram 眼为离) will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:5
- Obviously, Eye- Labia-Clitoris- Vagina (Li Trigram 离卦) are the by-products of Power of Death that link you to an ocean of wisdom.
- I, the Period 9(Li trigram 离卦) have given you the biblical quotes and Yijing metaphysical interpretation.
- If you are truly wise enough, you should be able to see the below :
- God of the Bible(old testament) is the god of death 死神.
- Adam & Eve gained godliness(power in identifying good & evil) but lost divinity.
- Divinity is not godliness; divinity & godliness are 2 different dimensions/power.
- Reproductive System is the system where your aging process is either
- being slowed down
- being escalated
- Procreation power is the button for you to venture into
- Power of the Death 死亡能量 (Biblical)
- Power of the Living 生命能量 (Chinese)
- Power of Aging 衰老能量 (Biblical)
- Power of Vitality 返老还童 (Chinese)
- Button to venture into at least 3 different dimensions
- Divinity 圣性; 超凡入圣 (Chinese)
- Godliness 神性;(Biblical)
- Humanity 人性 (Biblical & Chinese)
- Supernatural Power (Biblical & Chinese)
- Chinese Metaphysics is more on
- Power of the Living 生命能量
- Power of Vitality 返老还童
- Divinity 圣性; 超凡入圣
- Humanity 人性
- From Chinese Metaphysical Perspective, godliness is far below divinity.
- Because godliness is Yin Yang level, composing Angelic & Satanic element.
- God & Satan are one from a Chinese perspective.
- Therefore,
- Humans must kill god when god is becoming devilish.
- god must be killed before more humans are killed.
- Chinese is the only ancient civilization that keeps challenging the power of God on this earth.
- If you could apprehend me, Li trigram, Period 9 九紫离火运, Lord of 2020-2040,
- Then you should be able to regain your vitality/virility/fertility/vigorousness as 30-39 years old; even though you are in your 60s or 70s on your identity card.
- At least, you should be able to experience complexion transfiguration daily, naturally;
- without cosmetics
- without plastic surgery
- without medication
- The transfiguration of Jesus Christ was a powerful demonstration of His divine nature(Divinity 超凡入圣) and the manifestation of His glory, which Jesus possessed prior to coming to earth in the human body.
- You will find these 2 hexagrams below from miracles performed by Jesus as recorded.
- Jesus is very close to the concept of divinity 超凡入圣; but he is very far away from the godliness of the god of the Old Testament; from a Chinese metaphysical perspective.
- After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. 3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus. (Matthew 17)
- From Chinese philosophy, not only Jesus could do it, but you and I also possess such power.
- The church does not want you to get the KEY for this power & turn this episode into idols to finish off your power awareness.
- On the contrary, Chinese philosophy wants you to regain your very inner power. including your divine power.
More Exciting Truth of Metaphysics
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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