Although Good Fortune & Misfortune are invisible, yet they are traceable & detectable.
For Ancient Chinese Sages & Wise Men had put down crystal-clear wisdom through their practical metaphysical framework of Old Classics to enlighten & inspire their children for better living.
“Yijing” & “Neijing” are two Classics among the brilliant shining ocean of Chinese Wisdom, to shepherd and guide you.
You must understand that the Logos of Qi is preceding the creation of ALL, including cosmos itself. When Logos of Qi is perfecting adequately, then, the work of creation is taking place naturally and simultaneously. At this preliminary stage for self re-procreating concurrent divinities, there is no “cause & effect”; but, meaningful coincidental essence,with synchronous self-fulling actuality.
In fact, God or deities that human mind believes in, are undoubtedly one of the by-product from this metaphysical-spiritual process continuum. When human mind is being blocked from learning this “forbidden knowledge”; then, he is “deviated”(departed from actual course) to submit himself to “God or Deities”. From that moment on-wards, he is caged and prison-ed by “God’s Conspiracy/ God’s Will”.
The fluctuation of human life(LUCK) within this “metaphysical-spiritual process continuum” is none other than a series of wavering and shifting Indicators/Index, where most of these Index are Undefined/Undetermined/Uncertain. Therefore, Ancient Chinese Sages had repeatedly reminded his people that “You are the one to define/to determine/ to ascertain those Indicators. There is no one else but you yourself to stabilize the fluctuation of Life Indicator (LUCK).
Meaning to say, Your Destiny (God’s Will/God’s Conspiracy) is understandable as “metaphysical-spiritual process continuum” by Ancient Chinese Sages & Wise Man.
When an individual is concealed/blinded from this “forbidden knowledge”; then this individual sees his very own destiny as God’ Will/God’s Plan/ God’s Conspiracy. He is passively controlled by his destiny.
When an individual is inspired and enlightened by “forbidden knowledge” that The Destiny is none other than a set of Code, which you could FIX; then, this man is actively changing his destiny.
For Ancient Chinese Sages and Wise Men had reminded their people thru their Old Classics time after time.
For further info, write to master@mastersoon.com
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333