Background :
After sacking about 50% of Twitter’s workforce, Elon Musk has reportedly laid off at least 4,400 contractual workers(out of 5500) at the social media company.
I think he is doing the right thing: creating chaos in order to sustain ORDER.
- I received several Destiny Re-engineering requests, including 2 CEO from South East Asia.
- Unfortunately, both CEOs were fired, before engaging my service.
- There must be several or combination of factors, why they faced such consequences.
- The answers for this I had written in the graphic above.
- If you are already in the Top Management of a corporate, you can see those survivalists are playing, Both:
- Order Vs Chaos
- Angelic Vs Satanic
- Yin Vs Yang
- Good guy Vs Bad guy
- The West has been ruling the world for 530 years since 1492 A.D.
- The West rules the planet Earth by Divide & Rule and has proven to be super highly effective.
- The West learned this from Jehovah, where Adam & Eve were
immediately divided(chaos) after creation(order). - You could easily see this phenomenon in the Old Testament, of how Jehovah effectively divided(chaos) unity(order) between siblings,
generation after generation;- Between Abel & Cain
- Between Jacob & Siblings
- Between Isaac & Ismael ( eventually divided into Judeo Christianity Vs Islam)
- Who is the ultimate winner? The one who called himself, The Almighty.
- Islam & Christianity resourced the same method for world domination;
- Order Vs Chaos
- Division & Discrimination
- Ottoman Empire did so for her 600 years of domination.
- The U.S(representing Christianity) imposes the same strategy & effectively dominates the world for the 530th year(up-to-date) since Columbus discovered America.
- After Islam & the West, now China tries to follow this step and strategy.
- Take Home Value: In order to be the Ultimate Winner, you need to be
- Angelic & Satanic
- Peace Maker & Trouble Maker
- You are God & Satan at the same time
- Why? Because
- Yin & Yang Are One.
- God & Satan Are One.
- Without Satan, God is Nobody.
- If you do not have Satanic Power, you will be fired like how the way Jesus was crucified.
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