- We are already in Period 9 (Li Fire 离火运) since the Great Conjunction Between Jupiter & Saturn on 21 Dec 2020.
- Period 9 (Li Fire 离火运) is 3 in Pre-Heaven Trigram. Hence, it refers to
- The year 2020 – The year 2040
- The age gap from 30-39 years is dominating during Period 9 (2020-2040)
- golden time for generation from the 1990s -2000s
- Especially mid-age lady (30-39 years old)
- Gender inequality is further being challenged, including those in Islamic countries.
- Can you see the hole in the center of the Trigram Li 离卦? It is your
- biological eye
- 3rd eye(spiritual eye)
- heart (fire)
- inner power
- Can you see a crow in the picture? The crow resides in the center (hole) of the trigram.
- The crow is your inner power during Period 9( if you know how to open the pandora box of the trigram.
- If the version of Yijing you read does not mention this pandora’s box of trigram, it means you have not gotten the authentic version of Yijing yet.
- When you open up the box of pandora and release the crow from the trigram, then your 3rd eye spin.
- With this spinning 3rd eye, you see the future of the United States of America.
- If you know to spin Li trigram inside your body, then you start to enter into the spiritual realm.
- If you know to release the crow from the pandora box of a trigram, you start to experience metaphysical power inside out
- By then you would agree with Jesus saying” I and the Father are ONE”. (John 10)
- If you do not switch on the button of the Li trigram 离卦 inside your body, you are powerless and colorless.
- How to activate your Li trigram 离卦 inside your body?
- First of all, get the version of Yijing that discusses the crow of Li trigram.
- Then you will see the destiny of the United States of America from 2020-to 2040.
- If you want hidden knowledge and wisdom, then do not miss my articles.
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《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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