Metal Tiger of Period 8 What is the significance of year 2010 八运中之庚寅年 2010年国际有何玄机?
Year 2010 – Metal Tiger of Period 8 八运中之庚寅年
Earth Disaster 2010 (Earthquake & Volcano Eruption)
- 3rd Jan 2010 Solomon Island M 7.1 Fatalities –
- 11th Jan 2010 Haiti Region M 7.0 Fatalities 222,570
- 27th Feb 2010 Offshore Chile M 8.0 Fatalities 507
- 04th Apr 2010 Mexico M 7.2 Fatalities 2
- 13rd Apr 2010 Qinghai, China M 7.1 Fatalities 1000 (approx.)
- April & Mac 2010 Greenland & Iceland Volcano Eruption
Based on the data above, till April 2010, this metal tiger has claimed approx. 225,000 lives.
Economically, the volcano eruption has cost billions of billions US Dollar Europe & America economy.
The Fifth month of 2010 is coming next week. Generally, it seems that the metal tiger brings more harm and evils than good outcomes. (various country has different national destiny, just like every year I have a YEARLY Prediction for my own country, Malaysia)
I had presented my prediction of Malaysia ‘s Social-political and Economy Outlook 2010 in conjuction of Hewlett Packard Annual Dinner Feb 2010.
In this article, I would like to discuss about ” Global Outlook in Year 2010 – Talk One”.
Period 8 Is Witnessing More Earth Disaster
From metaphysics perspective, year 2010 is year of Western Metal Tiger of Period 8 (1996 – 2016). The Pre-Heaven of Period 8 is Zhen (震 which means vibration,thunder and earthquake).

Earthquake from 1973 - 2006
It is more stark to record that earthquake across the planet show a marked increase in activity since 1997. There are more major earthquakes occuring now, and this on an ever more frequent basis.
Trend After 1996
For example, between 1986 – 1996 (incl), a period of 11 years there were “just” 15 earthquakes listed by USGS of magnitude 7.0 or greater. This is not markedly different (albeit a slight decrease) from previous (similar periods) of 20th century, where an average of about 18 might be expected.
But, between 1997-2007(incl), a period of only 11 years, there were 99 earthquakes with magnitude 7.0 or greater: This is more than a six-fold increase on the previous similar period – and is a stark increase on any earlier decades in 20th century ago.
Implication of Year 2010, Geng Yin Year. 庚寅年
- This year is the Western Metal Tiger, Geng Yin Year. 庚寅年, the 15th years of Period 8 (1996-2016).
- From Chinese metaphysics, Geng 庚 is Zhen, 震; which means earthquake or earth vibration
- This Zhen, 震 overlap the Period 8, Pre-Heaven Zhen , Earth Vibration.
- …..
- It is a lengthy academic discussion…
- The implication is that earthquake will NOT stop in April at Qing Hai , China. According to Chinese saying, 天龙地虎,“ Heaven Dragon & Earth Tiger” ;therefore, this tiger is actually Tiger from the Hell.
- Moreover, Yin寅 is associate with fire, plus the Later Heaven of Period 8 is Mountain…. when you link fire with mountain , the outcome is Volcano….
- The inccidents of Greenland and Iceland Volcano happen in this 寅 Yin (Tiger) year after eruption 200 years ago.
More interesting global issues and happening analysis from Chinese Metaphysics perspective.
Stay Tuned…