The NW sector represents the husband strength from 2 perspectives, namely, Financial Strength and Sexual Strength.Feng Shui from Master Soon
As per my promise to expose some of the unknown secrets of feng shui, I would like to insert one more secret in this female feng shui series. However, the focus of discussion would be about how the wife could make use of feng shui to help the husband in 2 important aspects. Namely, The financial power and sexual power of the husband.
First of all, we need to honor the roles of the wife are so wide and multi-tasking in modern society nowsaday. Besides, participating in career, the wife also play the role as the mother to their children, Addtionally, woman also naturally would tend to take care of the overall well being of her lover, the husband.
The success of the husband in term of career also influential to the wife, whether be a housewife or a career woman. In term of feng shui, you could look into NW sector which is predominantly effecting the performance of the husband. Please refer to the diagram above which I have specifically prepared for the very benefit to all faithful readers of my blog.(this is very simple but always been ignored)
From Yijing (the ultimate source of all feng shui sects) point of view, North West is Qian, which represents the husband commonly, but specifically in 2 perspectives :
1) Financial Performance
2) Masculine Sexual Strength
Principally and practically, which ever property unit is having washroom in NW sector, it is almost 90% safely to predict that the husband is weak in 2 aspects, financial and sexual.
Please refer to diagram above for the remedies and basic solutions.
Stay Tuned for Master Soon Feng Shui Secrets………..