You could find many REAL case study and REAL examples in my blog. The reason you are one of my regular visitors and readers is simply because you get REAL information from this blog, which you hardly get from books. This is One more REAL example for Water Dragon Feng Shui. I am always confident to tell you which is REAL and which is FAKED because I do spend regular field works in various cities and countries.
These 2 pictures were taken from China about WATER DRAGON. This kind of WATER DRAGON installation is common in those imperial and royal families since hundreds of years. In some other cases, WATER DRAGON is also common among respected families in rural areas. You could easily find many hundreds years old houses in modern China which are still inhabited and occupied by their biological offsprings/descendants since many hundreds years old ago. We could safely conclude that the great Chinese architectural design / wisdom and feng shui power are among the contributing factors to sustain this kind of hundreds years old buildings.
As usual, my field works have confirmed and verified my understanding of WATER DRAGON, which is very different from the common beliefs, yet, very similar to those feng shui artifacts I found from my surveys. Financial Improvement by WATER DRAGON is not a legend. It is so real and you could find many REAL testimonials from my customers in this blog.(just type “testimonial” and those testimonial would appear for your reading pleasure)
Many practitioners are silent readers. I could share “somethings” about WATER DRAGON as below:
- Water Dragon is NOT aquarium.
- Water Dragon is NOT number of fishes in fish tank.
- Water Dragon is NOT Indoor feng shui, although it could appear Internally.
- Water Dragon is NOT Outdoor feng shui,yet, it comes from Externally.
- Water Dragon is NOT formula, Formula CANNOT assure Positive result.
- WATER DRAGON is ABOUT water flow, REAL ” FLOW”
- WATER DRAGON is ABOUT incoming water; REAL water “INCOMING”
- WATER DRAGON is ABOUT outgoing water; REAL water “OUTGOING”
Material gains and worldly possessions are very much influenced by WATER DRAGON.
Again, brothers and sisters, do not “LOCK” your mind by formula of water dragon again. Because there is NO standard formula to assure Standard result. Feng Shui enhancement requires “Wisdom” but NOT formula.
Master Soon
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