Restaurant : Thank You Master Soon for your kindness. You are not only helping in term of feng shui & destiny reading; but also considerate other concerns. This is very rare nowadays in modern society. We would like to extend our appreciation for your helps!
Master Soon : May I know when are you ready for restaurant opening ? So that I could zoom down for opening date selection?
Restaurant : I am sorry for late reply! Master Soon. I need to check with renovation contractor about the estimated completion(according to your feng shui advices). On top of that, I would like to seek Master Soon advice about the installation of signboard and company logo?
Master Soon : I will be in China during November. Yes. installation of signboard in accordance to date selection.
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333