In this article, we are going to talk about Feng Shui in term of Property Investment. I try to explain my points with picture of photo if I could have time to find some. However, it is my honour to present nice and organized pictures for yur reading pleasure. There will be 1 main point with 3 sub-point in this article about Property Selection.
1) Judging The Structural and Archetectural Design of the Whole Property.
There are many issues to consider under this sub-point. However, I would try to highlight that you should avoid all property unit at the shape edges just as the red highlight.
2) Judging the Vertical Feng Shui Defects
The solid example of the 2nd sub-point is the entrance of the car park. You should avoid buying any unit above the main entrance of the carpark. Especially the immediate unit above the car entrance as above picture. Why? simply because the Qi is unstable and fluctuate. However, the second and above units above the car park is considerably “OK” to buy. Ideally, you should avoid also… Nevertheless, the choice is yours……
3) Judging The Horizontal Feng Shui Defects
There are also many aspects about this sub-point. One of the issues is identify the actual layout and territorial shape of the residential area. For example, the picture above shows that it is a triangular shape of residential area. The pink circles are dead end and you should avoid. However, the area around “Master Soon” which is the entrance of the area is GOOD….