ANNOUNCEMENT – Mastery Level Personal Coaching (Reinventing of A Real Master)
THEME : Reinventing of A Real Master MISSION : Imparting Result Oriented Methodology
MOTTO : Practical, Aplicable, Effective VISION : Proven Metaphysical Approach
Date : 31 March 2010 – 7 April 2010
Time : 10 am – 5 pm
Venue : Penang, Malaysia

Advanced Practitioner Feng Shui WorkshopTraining By MasterSoon 孙锦皇风水训练班
I have accepted a small group of student from foreign country to come to Malaysia and direct under my personal training in Malaysia from 31 Macrch 2010 – 7 April 2010. This small group has kept approaching me before Chinese New Year 2010, about first week of Feb 2010. They are in Advanced Level and practitioners in their own respective country.

Master Soon corching his students 孙锦皇用心指导学员

Feng Shui Workshop by Master Soon孙锦皇鬼雄催财风水培训班
The reason they wanted to come because they are looking for REAL KNOWLEDGE and RESULT ORIENTED feng shui application. Prior to this, they have been studying under various famous masters, yet, after many years of applying those methods, they found Flying Stars is NOT accurate ALL THE TIME, Xuan Kong Da Gua is a fluctuate and etc……
I have requested them to get ready for 64 hexagrams and email me those application problems, fieldwork dilemma, practical problems, all problems which always faced by grand feng shui master, yet, NO WHERE to ASK.
* About three pictures attached above. The advanced practitioner workshop participants are ALL feng shui masters in the market.
Oriental Wisdom, a place to ease your feng shui frustration.
Oriental Wisdom, a place of REAL GRAND MASTER training center.
For more information,
Call Master Soon at +6012 560 3333
Email :