- Can you imagine that there are 5 big-size hospitals within a 1.1KM radius in the Pulau Tikus area? There are
- Penang General Hospital
- Island Hospital
- Loh Guan Lye Specialist Centre
- Gleneagles Hospital Penang
- Penang Adventist Hospital
- The furthest distance between 2 hospitals is 2.2KM; which is from
- Penang Adventist Hospital to Loh Guan Lye Specialist Centre.
- The nearest distance between 2 hospitals is 565M only; which is from
- Island Hospital to Loh Guan Lye Specialist Centre.
- Ownership significance :
- Except for Penang General Hospital as a government hospital,
- the other 4 are privately owned.
- Locality Significance :
- Except for Penang General Hospital located on the borderline of the Pulau Tikus area,
- All 4 private hospitals are located right inside/ in the middle of the Pulau Tikus area.
- Economic & Business Significance:
- Except for Penang General Hospital provide near-FREE medical service
- All 4 private hospitals are making
lots of moneywhere more than 60% of the profits are from Indonesian patients via medical tourism. - It is imaginable how these 4 private hospitals are making money by looking at the way they expand their gigantic building physically. Yes, 4 of them are making huge money.
- Topography Significance :
- You can enjoy beautiful Penang Hill easily from most angles from Pulau Tikus.
- Yet, the whole area of Pulau Tikus is a typical flat land, with
no hill & no riverinside Pulau Tikus. - Only Gleneagles Hospital could enjoy a sea view of Malacca Strait.
- Yet, 4 hospitals enjoy huge profits, almost at the same rate.
- There is no major or BIG river run /flow-thru Pulau Tikus.
- Feng Shui Dilemma :
- Many schools of thoughts of feng shui suggest that
- water is money 水就是财
- the river is money 河水就是 财
- seawater is money 海水就是财
- But the fact is that there is no significant river run thru Pulau Tikus.
- Those 3 hospitals without sea view are also making money like printing machines.
- Many schools of thoughts of feng shui suggest that
- Then, what is the feng shui power that enhances 4 of them in money making?
- Do not worry. Because according to the teaching from Green Sac Prologue《青囊序》
- 杨公养老看雌雄,The
top-secretof feng shui is how to determinemale from female - 天下诸书对不同,Although there
many wrong recordsandwrong teachings. - 先看金龙动不动,First of all, examine how the golden MOUNTAIN is moving,
- 次察血脉认来龙, Secondly, investigate
tiny mountain veinin order to determine the actual Incoming Mountainous Energy. - BEFORE you look at the river flow…….
- 杨公养老看雌雄,The
- Pulau Tikus Feng Shui for 5 dominant hospitals is the actual OUTCOME as mentioned by the poem above as recorded in Green Sac Prologue《青囊序》
- The answer is in the diagram below where
- there is a Turtle Shape Dragon Formation right at the back of Penang Chinese Girl School 槟城女子中学.
- Turtle 龙龟 Dragon Formation feng shui is for HEALTH & Longevity in accordance with Chinese symbolism
- The detail of this Turtle Dragon Formation feng shui was decoded in the attached link : https://www.mastersoon.com/malaysian-dragon-feng-shui-revealed-7-turtle-shape-its-power/
- Penang Chinese Girl School was established in 1919 and has been producing a lot of successful career women. This has empowered the Malaysian Chinese struggle in the very land, called Malaysia.
- 百年来给这学校给大马华人社会培养了太多女子精英, 遍布海内外; 这是不争的事实!
- 槟华女子中学百年来盛产女子精英、女中豪杰,贤惠女子,巾帼不让须眉是其学校坐在龙龟头上关系密切!
- Because Penang Chinese Girl School gets the FIRST hand of Dragon Energy before it flows to the inner city of Pulau Tikus; enhancing HEALTH Care & Medical industry due to Turtle Formation(Symbol of health).
- This Turtle Dragon Formation Feng Shui power influences properties along :
- Gurney Drive
- Jalan Kelawai
- Jalan Burma
- Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman
- Jalan Cantonment
- Lebuhraya Codrington
- Jalan Macalister(partially)
- Jalan Anson
- Jalan Utama(borderline)
- Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah
- Jalan Pangkor
- Disted College
- St George’s Girl School
- etc….
Stay Tuned for more information
Master Soon
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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