《大马华裔龙脉揭秘》3: 槟城钟灵中学百年神秘水龙风水(一)
- 槟城钟灵中学建于1917年, 距今已有105年的历史;也是我本人的母校!
- 此校里有许多百年的古董、老树、老建筑物。
- 学校理事会和董事部对扩建校园都非常的额外谨慎;以便保全了百年风水!
- 大家可以网授下,不难发现钟灵中学在大马华裔的地位和百年来的贡献!
- 105年来给大马华社生产太多的国际精英和国家人才!
- 其风水特点之一就是:下雨明堂变成湖,不雨操场是明堂!
- 其水龙,收放自如!
- 完全符合《水龙经》的精华:
- 山朝不如水朝, 水朝不如水绕 水绕不如水聚;(refer to the Bright Court)
- 水聚则龙会,龙会则地大 (refer to the reason why this school produces a lot of talents)
- 水不乱聚,聚则龙会 (hinting that it is full of dragonic power)
- 另外, 其主干建筑物是符合《水龙经》的原则
- 前有小荡作聚水,堂宜对小荡正受,亦主科甲发贵
- 重点是: 这是105年前,于1917年就设定好了!
- 反过来说,百年后的今天,大马玄学地理龙脉风水已经濒临失传!
- 所有大马商业化的所谓龙穴/生基,不过是笑话地洞。
- 在破山坡上挖个3尺洞;取名“龙神”、“生基”、“龙穴”或“龙脉”;然后欺骗大马华社!
- 相对于105年前的师傅们,当下道德沦丧!
More Secrets to be Revealed
Master Soon
电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com
《大马华裔龙脉揭秘》2: 大马女子中学镇龟头,华裔女性不嫁绿教徒
- 上图是建于1921年槟城女子中学(Penang Chinese Girl School)的位置。
- 所有资料显示它是建在龟头上,背后的自然山坡(800米 x 700 米)就是龟壳
- 可见在101年前,大马华社是多么讲究地理风水,而且水平非常高超!
- 为何自从二战后(1945年),大马主体民族(2021年占总人口69%)把大马华裔(2021年占总人口22%)列为首要竞争对手;不管在政治、经济、文化、教育、社会等给予大马华社诸多的限制!
- 然而,77年过去了(大马被列为第二最具有种族歧视的国家,南非第一),大马华社依旧屹立不倒;这是为何呢
- 理由除了华裔优秀的素质(人为)之外,主要还是在百多年前就霸占好多龙脉龙穴,上上等的地理风水!
- 从一所坐落于槟城的女子中学(Penang Chinese Girl School, since 1921)自然地理风水的高水平选址,就说明大马华社于101年前就对地理龙脉有特别要求!
- 好了,咱就长话短说吧!犹豫课题敏感(但必须让大马华社知晓)附上几张截图,各位自己看图说文吧!
- Click here for English Version: https://www.mastersoon.com/malaysian-dragon-feng-shui-revealed-7-turtle-shape-its-power/
- 大马华裔先天龙脉在三个地方:
- 槟城、马六甲、星加坡
- 由于星加坡已经于1965年独立,目前就只有槟城和马六甲!
- 什么叫先天龙脉呢,看看Singapore 你就立马内心醒觉!
- 至于大马华裔后天龙脉,我就先公开一州先- 霹雳州
- 那么后天龙脉是什么威力呢?
- 看看1984年之前怡保那种澎拜的气势就知道了(1984年后就衰败)
- 为何马共过去跟霹雳的关系那么密切呢? 陈平 Chin Peng 也是霹雳州人呢!
- 回到主题/上图,显然的槟城女子中学(Penang Chinese Girl School)。这不是人造的;而是特意选址的结果!
- 因为背后山坡(龟壳)就是更加老旧的华人义山(century old Chinese cemetery),保留至今 依然操作使用!
- 此灵龟、玄武风水格局是升旗山主干龙的旁支的榜支!虽不绝对完美,但格局已成!
- 槟城女子中学是大马名校,每年培育了大量的女子人才,到世界各大学继续升学!享誉全球!
- 各位可以Goggle 下 ,槟城女子中学(Penang Chinese Girl School)101年来对大马华社的贡献!
- 华校是代表整体华社的,所以女子中学的风水也代表大马华裔女性的风水特质!
- 风水就是阴阳学,而阴阳就是男女,而男女就是性 Sex.
- 龟头就是阳具的顶端。龟壳可以看成子宫(Womb)
- 大马华裔女性对性、对龟头大小是有要求的(女子中学建得那么有气派不凡)
- 然而有要求就是说明,不随便;反而是有高素质的要求!
- 这可以解释为何77年来,大马女性跟主体民族通婚极端的少之又少!
- 大马华裔女性的子宫对主体民族不开放。
- 可能婚前交几个友族男友(也非常之少),但绝对不会嫁给主体民族,让自己的子宫给他族繁衍后代
- 这点,是大马华裔女性捍卫文化和文化传承的不为人知的巨大贡献!
- 精彩分析在后头
电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com
《大马华裔龙脉揭秘》1: 大马华裔在经济领域称霸的来龙去脉具体案例
- 大马著名白手起家华裔富豪Lim Goh Tong 林梧桐之Feng Shui Power 之来?去脉 :
- 位于极乐寺Kek Lok Si Temple 后山的亚依淡水坝Ayer Itam Dam(建筑于1958-1962).
- 开发山林有功,又完全保存了极乐寺背后?脉和护驾龙脉的风水兽(将公开此处一带的蛇兽、龟兽等风水护兽)
- 完整保存了大马华裔先天风水?脉旁支之一(霹雳州龙脉为后天)。
- 中文视频简介详情点击 :
- English version video :
- Kek Lok Si Temple Dragon Spot 极乐寺龙脉
- 林梧桐带着此护?功和劳,马上于1965年获得了后来的享誉全球的云顶(Genting)龙脉开发权
- 风水重点 :
- 先有1962年Ayer Itam Dam 的功(contribution) 、 劳(labour)、德(Virtue);
- 林梧桐没有斩断极乐寺的来龙气脉,却小心开发保证护驾龙脉 而有功
- 保全了大马华裔龙脉旁支之一(极乐寺)的周全;而有德
- 保存了护送极乐寺来龙去脉的风水兽;而有劳(之所以你可看见环绕水坝诸多风水兽);比如
- 小灵龟头和大灵龟头
- 巨型龙龟头
- 灵蛇头
- 龙龟脚。。。。。。。好多
- 就是这份1962年累计的 功、德和劳;林才后来获得1965年更大的回报;云顶(genting)龙脉开发权
- 先有付出(功、德、劳); 上天才会赐予你龙脉(真龙的穴)
- 林的(功、德、劳)是保全了极乐寺龙脉(Kek Lok Si 也是大马华裔整体龙脉的旁支)和完整的保全了护送龙脉的风水兽(Ayer Itam Dam 一带)
- 这才是林梧桐于1960年代起家的Power 来源(因)。而不是坊间传说的云顶半山生基风水(果)
- 先有1962年Ayer Itam Dam 的功(contribution) 、 劳(labour)、德(Virtue);
- Take Home Value 带回家的价值:
- 林梧桐有在 Ayer Itam Dam 种生基吗? 答案: 没有!
- 所以商业操作的种生基,就是一场笑话和骗局。
- 这告诉你龙脉是共享的,任何有福气之人都可以采取、吸取。
- 你可以亲自登上Ayer Itam Dam 或极乐寺 ;保你感受古人说的
- 风水之法,得水为上,藏风次之。
- 只要你围绕Ayer Itam Dam 一周圈;保你立马理解 何为
- 浅深得乘,风水自成。
- 夫阴阳之气,噫而为风,升而为云,降而为雨,行乎地中,谓之生气。
- 以上第三点和第四点,都是无意中在保全了龙脉和风水兽的前提下,林梧桐开发工程的巨大风水贡献。
- 当年林梧桐有没有带着罗盘满上跑? 估计是没有,因为他是开发商,不是地理师!
- 那为何林梧桐却得到风水的庇护呢?
- 第一是先天的有福之人
- 第二是以上叙述的后天累计之“功”、“德” 和“劳”
- 那为何林梧桐却得到风水的庇护呢?
- 这也告诉你龙脉不是靠罗盘找出来的,而是你的“福气”和你的“功德”。
- 龙脉在处于可以采用时的阔度、宽度一般是6-7英尺左右;根本不在于那3°-5°度的差别;
- 关键是你是不是处于龙脉上;你不在龙床上,调来调去也没用!
- 那,为什么好多风水师 经常show off 罗盘,指来又指去,几度又几度?
- 因为 一流风水看星斗,二流风水看水口,三流风水带着罗盘满山走!
- 至于林梧桐家业后来往偏门赌业发展(消耗福报)不在这里议论;
- 因为此文只探讨林家业前期靠福气、功、德和劳之综合因数的雄起;
- 不议论林家后期脱离福气、功、德和劳的结果!
- 家业的兴起只因有功,家业的衰败也因赌业而面对后果;
- 所谓 功过不相抵消;功必赏,过必罚;这是天道,永不改变!
- 劝君远离偏门生意,包括赌业!
- 风水是永远跟功和过紧密相连!
- 功必赏,过必罚。
- 林梧桐有在 Ayer Itam Dam 种生基吗? 答案: 没有!
电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com
Testimonial: Increase Your Income by 16 Times
- Vital Information :
- Date of Personal BaZi Profiling: 16 – 29 Sept 2020
- Date of Feng Shui Audit: 01 May 2021
- Date of Feng Shui Result: Aug 2021
- This gentleman claimed in the email that
- he gets his dream job which he had longed for 12 years in Aug 2021, approx. 100 days AFTER the feng shui audit.
- his commission from Aug 2021 to Oct 2021 (3 months alone) already exceeded the total last 4 years’ commission.
- he consistently sees dragon head cloud formation on top of Bukit Jambul near his condo.
- The implications of his message are :
- Your dream comes true within 100 days; instead of wasting 12 years waiting
- Your income multiplies 16 times ( 3 months income exceeded 4 years x 12 months)
- Part of our conversation via email as below :
- Question 1: my managers treat me really well and respectfully, and appreciate my talents and hard work;
- Answer 1: Because you have activated the authority sector
- Question 2: Moreover I am working in the financial industry which I love.
- Answer 2: Because you have left the energy-depleting working desk/chair sitting position (hidden) & shifted to well revealing (loved) working corner/sector.
- Question 3: The sales commission is good, my 2021 commission (Aug-Nov, 3 months alone) already exceeded the total last 4 years’ commission as sales (outdoor).
- Answer 3: Because you have activated Money Corner with a personally suitable small-size table-top water fountain, aligning your job function in accordance to the STRENGTH of your personal BaZi on top of your HANDWORK & INTELLIGENCE.
- Question 1: my managers treat me really well and respectfully, and appreciate my talents and hard work;
- Significance of Metaphysics Application :
- You cannot afford to skip your personal Birth Data(BaZi) as it is where you know your strengths and qualities.
- After having your personal birth Blueprint(BaZi); tap the loophole for the slot-in gap from your chart; SIMPLY because you cannot afford to wait for another 12 years.
- Then you go back to your house feng shui to trigger the slot-in gap for luck changing(turn things around, twist situation) via
- rearranging your interior placement 扭转乾坤
- reorganizing furnishing placement 颠倒阴阳
- No renovation but simple activation
- No door tilting but window panel opening (no cost at all)
- Calling in the external mountainous energy(Bukit Jambul in this case); nothing religious, nothing ritualistic.
It is more about self-hypnotizing /self-mesmerizing( but not accurately)
- Do not trigger mountain earth energy if your personal BaZi CAN NOT absorb /handle it
- WATER is vitally important in Money activation regardless of your BaZi; simply just like you need to drink WATER even though water is your unfavorable element
- However, the volume of the water is vitally important to match (to be compatible) to the dragon force you call into your house. 风遇水而止
We thank this gentleman for being willing to share his destiny evolution since Sept 2020 and immediate destiny transformation AFTER the feng shui audit. His sharing exposes a lot of unknown power of Chinese Metaphysics.
You learn a lot of insider stories and embedded /hidden truths of Chinese Metaphysics; instead of a rigid spoon-fed formula.
Stay Tuned for More Information
电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com
Could This be Your Feng Shui Master Plan?
- This is mega feng shui master plan for residential areas as below :
- Taman Jubilee
- Taman Lip Sin
- Taman Pantai Jerjak
- Sungai Nibong
- Sungai Dua
- Asia Hill
- Bukit Jambul 1
- Kampung Jawa
- Taman Seri Aman
- Desa Indah
- And also covers commercial areas as below :
- Mahsuri Square
- Sunshine Square
- Setia Spice Convention Centre
- The Promenade
- One Precinct
- Krystal Point
- How do you know this is Feng Shui Master Plan for these areas? Where is the proof?
- Simple and Direct Answer as below :
- Go to the hill at the back of Krystal Point
- The height of this hill is ard. 27 meter or 88.58feet.
- This is the Table Mountain 案山 of this landform feng shui.
- Stand on top of the hill and look at Bukit Jambul
- Then you will get Left & Right Wings(natural) formation symmetrically as below
- First Significance of this Feng Shui Master Plan
- If you draw the center alignment between Right & Left Wings, there are 2 Chinese Primary Schools:
- SRJK Kwang Hwa 光华小学; since year 1935
- SRJK Shih Chung 时中分校; relocated here in 1999 from George Town(1908)
- These are 2 famous schools that ensure Chinese children receive quality primary education & indoctrinate Chineseness onto the new generation.
- Both schools are located quite close to the center Dragonic Alignment
- Both schools are empowered by Dragon Force; although NOT 100%.
- This hinted that feng shui was adopted 87 years; when it was constructed.
- If you draw the center alignment between Right & Left Wings, there are 2 Chinese Primary Schools:
- Second Significance of this Feng Shui Master Plan
- This is a hundred years old Chinese Cemetery of Sungai Dua槟城双溪赖华人义山
- It is located on the hill of the Left Wing 左翼, near Asia Hill.
- This cemetery receives consistent Qi from the Left Wing as it sits on top of it.
- This hinted that feng shui was adopted 100 years ago when a Chinese cemetery was selected
- You can see dominant feng shui elements in 2 Chinese properties, namely
- Chinese Primary Schools, concerning Yang Feng Shui 阳宅风水
- Chinese Cemetery, concerning Ying Feng Shui 阴宅风水
- Now, you know why Malaysian Chinese is the hardest minority race to be assimilated in South East Asia?
- Because Malaysia Chinese empower
- their kids in feng shui-ed primary school building 阳宅风水 效应
- their offsprings via feng shui-ed cemetery 阳宅风水 效应
- I can responsibly tell you that most of the Chinese Schools and Chinese Cemeteries are fengshui-ed properly NATIONWIDE.
- The business performance that you could see at business hubs below are the proof of this feng shui dragon:
- Sunshine Square
- Setia Spice Convention Centre
- Mahsuri Square
- The Promenade
- One Precinct
- Krystal Point
- If you want to get Feng Shui Master Plan for Intel & Queensbay, kindly stay tuned
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com
Penang Bayan Lepas Feng Shui – The Power of The Mountain
This photo was taken somewhere around Bukit Kukus (North) looking to Bukit Jambul (South);
- Where this small hill range (backbone) divides Paya Terubong from the rest.
- The mountainous energy (dragon) is running as shown by the red curving line from the North to the South.
- The power of the dragon (as shown by the backbone / red curving line) is descending BAYAN LEPAS.
- The feng shui significances that you learn from this photo :
- Bayan Lepas Free Trade Zone receives maximum dragon energy from Bukit Jambul(Dragon Head) and supported by Bukit Kukus (Dragon Backbone).
- This is the very reason why this free trade zone has been so auspicious since it was created in 1972.
- Bayan Lepas Free Trade Zone has been so powerful
in attracting foreign investment for nearly 50 years,- Period 6 – 1964 – 1983
- Period 7 – 1984 – 2003
- Period 8 – 2004 – 2023
- Period 9 – 2024 – 2043 ( will it still survive。。。?)
- This is because the dragon is heading to Bayan Lepas and the dragon’s mouth is open to Free Trade Zone.
- Bayan Lepas Free Trade Zone receives maximum dragon energy from Bukit Jambul(Dragon Head) and supported by Bukit Kukus (Dragon Backbone).
- Meaning to say the whole Bukit Kukus(backbone) and Bukit Jambul(Head) are “ONLY” serving Free Trade Zone.
- Mountain view property unit does not necessarily mean good feng shui.
- Because the mountain view could be the leg, finger, toe, waist, stomach, arm, elbow, wrist, or neck of the dragon.
- and the power of the dragon is at the head and the mouth.
- Therefore, it is not surprising that Paya Terubong is “ MORE “ for low-cost apartments and not as auspicious as Bayan Lepas Free Trade Zone. Why?
- Because Paya Terubong is not only trapped in between 2 mountains,
- but those mountain views are the side view of the dragon’s elbow & waist.
- Housing estates in Bayan Baru, Bayan Lepas, Sungai Ara, & Batu Maung enjoy the spillover of this dragon energy and benefit auspiciously & indirectly; although NOT fully.
- This photo also tells you that
- your feng shui is very much influenced by the mountain formation.
- mountain view has positive and negative impacts.
- besides river flow….
- The annual turnover generated by all factories in Bayan Lepas Free Trade Zone put together, is the symbolic figure that you could measure the power of this DRAGON.
- Take-Home Values :
- You could enjoy the power as long as you are at the front of the dragon head or dragon mouth.
- The mountain view of the other parts of the dragon serves you “ no ” extraordinary feng shui power.
- How about property in Batu Uban, USM, Queensbay?
- How about microanalysis to those house projects in Sungai Ara, Bayan Lepas & Batu Maung?
Stay Tuned for more information
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com
Penang Bridge Crocodile Feng Shui
- When you drive from Seberang Perai to Penang island via Penang Bridge; you will reach Tiang(Pillar) 56 right below you after 2-3 minutes from the Middle of the bridge at speed (70-80 km/h).
- Pillar 56(Tiang 56) known as the Ghost Mouth Pillar(Tiang Mulut Puaka) by coastal fishermen there; have caused fear and trauma to more than 20 fishermen who claim they were nearly to be sucked into a vortex/undercurrent the size of a football field there; years ago.
- According to the understanding from the Malay community, it is said that there is a White Giant Crocodile resides in Malacca Strait and was upset due to disturbance during Penang Bridge Construction from 1982-1985; where many human lives were claimed as a “deal” on monthly basis during Full Moon, after 12 am-midnight.
- This legend could be traced back a long time ago even before the arrival of Francis Light in 1786, but becoming a hot topic during the construction of the Penang Bridge in 1982; after claiming many lives during the construction of the bridge.
- Nevertheless, the area around Tiang 56 is still considered as BLACK ZONE until today.
- You can search many mystical stories related to Tiang 56 online via Buaya Putih di Jambatan Pulau Pinang.
- However, from a feng shui perspective, there is Gigantic Crocodile Head Formation(Hill) right behind e-Gate, Caltex & Tesco Penang on your left when you are coming down from the Penang Bridge & heading to George Town.
- In fact, you are entering into the domain controlled by a Crocodile Formation Feng Shui as below.
- The Significances of Giant Crocodile Formation :
- Bukit Gelogor (37 meters high) is the Right Eye
- Bukit Dumbar (34 meters high) is the Left Eye
- Northern Region Marine Department (3 meters high) is the front part of the mouth.
- Recsam(31 meters high) & Institut Perguruan Persekutuan(26 meters high) & government hostels(23 meters high) occupy on top of the Crocodile’s face
- e-Gate & Tesco Penang are located at the jawline/teeth of the Crocodile the as below:
- Feng shui is technical know-how & mechanism for you how to TRANSFER the energy from the earth into your body; for health, wealth & power.
- Energy has two sides:
- destructive and constructive ;
- negative and positive;
- What was mentioned by Tiang 56 is purely related to the destructive domain of this Crocodile Formation.
- Now the practical issue is how to extract and tap the positive and constructive power..??
- Penang Bridge Crocodile Feng Shui
Stay Tuned for More Exciting Insider Information
Master Soon
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com
Penang Feng Shui : George Town & Crab Formation
- George Town, as shown above telling us that George Town is the Bright Court 明堂 of Dragon Spot(where Kek Lok Si Temple located) at Ayer Itam, Penang.
- You could see the Crab Formation clearly; where Left Dragon is Gantung Gantung Hill 左青龙砂 and Right Dragon is Batu Lanchang Hill 右白虎砂.
- Kek Lok Si Temple in the middle and on top of a hill is where the dragon spot located.
- Pinang River(Sungai Pinang) run thru this area from Ayer Itam to Malacca Strait.
- If your property is located in the area as in the diagram below; then your feng shui is affected positively by the Kek Lok Si temple dragon spot.
- Penang George Town Feng Shui
- Nevertheless obviously, Penang Georgetown feng shui as a whole is having
- dominating /commanding mountain with a huge size, but
- with a much smaller size for the river( blue line) in comparison.
- the weather is shaped by oceanic climate.
- hence, the soil in George Town is relatively drier and the temperature is 1 degree hotter.
- There are 5 factors in feng shui for professional consideration. Namely :
- Dragon 龙
- Spot 穴
- Hilly Area 砂
- Water 水
- Direction 向
- Penang George Town Feng Shui Significances :
- Macro Opening / Macro Facing Direction to North East
- Macro Sitting / Backing at South West (where Kek Lok Si Temple located)
- Sungai Pinang is running to the East Direction
- The specialty of Penang George Town Feng Shui :
- From a Macro perspective, George Town is much influenced by the dominant mountain factor rather than the Sungai Pinang river water factor due to its tiny size & narrow coverage.
- From a Micro perspective, each property unit is more influenced by the nearby traffic flow & man-made monsoon drainage system.
Commercial Property & Residential Condo in George Town, Penang will be discussed in a separate article.
Stay Tuned For More Info
Master Soon
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com
Penang Feng Shui : Why There are 5 Big Hospitals in Pulau Tikus
- Can you imagine that there are 5 big-size hospitals within a 1.1KM radius in the Pulau Tikus area? There are
- Penang General Hospital
- Island Hospital
- Loh Guan Lye Specialist Centre
- Gleneagles Hospital Penang
- Penang Adventist Hospital
- The furthest distance between 2 hospitals is 2.2KM; which is from
- Penang Adventist Hospital to Loh Guan Lye Specialist Centre.
- The nearest distance between 2 hospitals is 565M only; which is from
- Island Hospital to Loh Guan Lye Specialist Centre.
- Ownership significance :
- Except for Penang General Hospital as a government hospital,
- the other 4 are privately owned.
- Locality Significance :
- Except for Penang General Hospital located on the borderline of the Pulau Tikus area,
- All 4 private hospitals are located right inside/ in the middle of the Pulau Tikus area.
- Economic & Business Significance:
- Except for Penang General Hospital provide near-FREE medical service
- All 4 private hospitals are making
lots of moneywhere more than 60% of the profits are from Indonesian patients via medical tourism. - It is imaginable how these 4 private hospitals are making money by looking at the way they expand their gigantic building physically. Yes, 4 of them are making huge money.
- Topography Significance :
- You can enjoy beautiful Penang Hill easily from most angles from Pulau Tikus.
- Yet, the whole area of Pulau Tikus is a typical flat land, with
no hill & no riverinside Pulau Tikus. - Only Gleneagles Hospital could enjoy a sea view of Malacca Strait.
- Yet, 4 hospitals enjoy huge profits, almost at the same rate.
- There is no major or BIG river run /flow-thru Pulau Tikus.
- Feng Shui Dilemma :
- Many schools of thoughts of feng shui suggest that
- water is money 水就是财
- the river is money 河水就是 财
- seawater is money 海水就是财
- But the fact is that there is no significant river run thru Pulau Tikus.
- Those 3 hospitals without sea view are also making money like printing machines.
- Many schools of thoughts of feng shui suggest that
- Then, what is the feng shui power that enhances 4 of them in money making?
- Do not worry. Because according to the teaching from Green Sac Prologue《青囊序》
- 杨公养老看雌雄,The
top-secretof feng shui is how to determinemale from female - 天下诸书对不同,Although there
many wrong recordsandwrong teachings. - 先看金龙动不动,First of all, examine how the golden MOUNTAIN is moving,
- 次察血脉认来龙, Secondly, investigate
tiny mountain veinin order to determine the actual Incoming Mountainous Energy. - BEFORE you look at the river flow…….
- 杨公养老看雌雄,The
- Pulau Tikus Feng Shui for 5 dominant hospitals is the actual OUTCOME as mentioned by the poem above as recorded in Green Sac Prologue《青囊序》
- The answer is in the diagram below where
- there is a Turtle Shape Dragon Formation right at the back of Penang Chinese Girl School 槟城女子中学.
- Turtle 龙龟 Dragon Formation feng shui is for HEALTH & Longevity in accordance with Chinese symbolism
- The detail of this Turtle Dragon Formation feng shui was decoded in the attached link : https://www.mastersoon.com/malaysian-dragon-feng-shui-revealed-7-turtle-shape-its-power/
- Penang Chinese Girl School was established in 1919 and has been producing a lot of successful career women. This has empowered the Malaysian Chinese struggle in the very land, called Malaysia.
- 百年来给这学校给大马华人社会培养了太多女子精英, 遍布海内外; 这是不争的事实!
- 槟华女子中学百年来盛产女子精英、女中豪杰,贤惠女子,巾帼不让须眉是其学校坐在龙龟头上关系密切!
- Because Penang Chinese Girl School gets the FIRST hand of Dragon Energy before it flows to the inner city of Pulau Tikus; enhancing HEALTH Care & Medical industry due to Turtle Formation(Symbol of health).
- This Turtle Dragon Formation Feng Shui power influences properties along :
- Gurney Drive
- Jalan Kelawai
- Jalan Burma
- Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman
- Jalan Cantonment
- Lebuhraya Codrington
- Jalan Macalister(partially)
- Jalan Anson
- Jalan Utama(borderline)
- Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah
- Jalan Pangkor
- Disted College
- St George’s Girl School
- etc….
Stay Tuned for more information
Master Soon
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com