XKDG - Tomb Feng Shui 玄空大卦 应用于阴宅风水
Probably, this info would give you some tips of your XKDG application…
Probably, this info would help you in understanding certain part of XKDG application….
For Sakti….. The ultimate source of Yin Energy…..

Malaysia Metaphysician Master SOON
International Feng Shui Master 国际易经玄学老师
In Malaysia, Touch ‘n Go card is an electronic purse that can be used at all highways in Malaysia, major public transports in Klang Valley, selected parking sites and theme park.
Touch 'n Go Card. Is XKDG one of the Touch 'n Go Card ?
Touch ‘n Go uses contact less smart card technology. The card looks similar to a credit card. User can continue using the card as long as it is pre-loaded with electronic cash. User can reload the card at toll plazas, train stations, Automated Teller Machines, Cash Deposit Machines, Petrol kiosks and at authorised third party outlets. Reload denomination is ranging from RM20 to RM500.
In Malaysia, We can buy doughnut with prepaid card. Do you think that Touch the line, then XKDG would give you FREE doughnut?
Touch ‘n Go enhances the speed of paying for low value but high frequency transactions. Apart from the speed, it is also very convenient because user no longer need to prepare for small change or wait in queue at the cash lane to complete the transaction. Touch ‘n Go Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Rangkaian Segar Sdn Bhd), the operator of this Electronic Payment System, has several range of Touch ‘n Go cards to suit different market needs.
Many feng shui students misunderstand that XKDG is just PURELY 64 hexagrams and date selection. However, IF the support of Land Form does NOT present; The formlula is just a " mental game ” in your mind or “ number game ” on your paper......
Half Taiji 半个太极
Any metaphysics’ formula is just a reference of actual physical world. It is a theoretical framework of academic research.
Originally, all feng shui theories derived from TWO major sources, namely;
Meaning to say, the prime refernce point is the Land Form (geophysic and topographycal features). The formulas are the conclusion of the ancient sages of his understanding of the LAND….
Unfortunately, the mass has misunderstood the priority. The mass uphold the formula, thinking that the formula is omnipotent & almighty, that formula purely could change the luck….
If Land Form is NOT in order or in proper requirements, then, the formula is irrelavent.
Think about it…
Can you determine the Incoming Dragon ?
Incoming dragon Determine Facing 来龙定座 向
Master Soon with Tomb FengShui. Judging Internal Alignment 孙锦皇勘察阴宅。鉴定分金
Tomb Feng Shui is NOT just Tombstone Tuning. Tombstone Direction Tuning is just one of many parts of Tomb feng shui.
A Tomb feng shui master who just only tilt the tombstone has already MISS OUT lots of tomb feng shui geomantic procedures.
Leaving the whole process of tomb construction to the graveyard management or Tomb Contractor is NOT a wise idea. Why? Think about it………..
The Tomb Feng Shui starts from
1)Land Selection Procedures
2) Land Quality Analysis
3) River Mouth Tracing
4)Family Zodiac Analysis
5) Feng Shui Requests After Family Discussion
6) Date Selection to Boost Up The Family Requests
5) Ground Breaking Protocols
6) Earth Digging Sequential Protocols
7) Depth of Tomb Determination (Standardization by Graveyard management IS NOT the parameter )
more ….. and more
For Tomb Feng Shui Service,
Call +6012 560 3333
Email: master@mastersoon.com
Announcement:Penang Yijing Numerology Workshop Module II 槟城易经术数中级培训班
Date : 28 March 2010 (Sun) Module : Yijing Numerology II
Time : 10am – 5pm Venue : Oriental Wisdom Penang
Medium : Mandarin / Chinese
Reading Material, Certificate & Lunch are all provided.
We have accepted a number of students. This is the second batch of same module since 2010 due to market demand.
Limited seat! Register Not later than 5pm, 26 March 2010.
Call my assistant : +6012 4739116
公告: 槟城易经术数中级培训班
日期:2010年3月28日(星期日) 课程:易经术数中级
时间:上午10:00 – 下午5:00 地点:槟城东方智慧
座位有限,请联系助理 电话 : +6012 473 9116
ANNOUNCEMENT – Mastery Level Personal Coaching (Reinventing of A Real Master)
THEME : Reinventing of A Real Master MISSION : Imparting Result Oriented Methodology
MOTTO : Practical, Aplicable, Effective VISION : Proven Metaphysical Approach
Date : 31 March 2010 – 7 April 2010
Time : 10 am – 5 pm
Venue : Penang, Malaysia
Advanced Practitioner Feng Shui WorkshopTraining By MasterSoon 孙锦皇风水训练班
I have accepted a small group of student from foreign country to come to Malaysia and direct under my personal training in Malaysia from 31 Macrch 2010 – 7 April 2010. This small group has kept approaching me before Chinese New Year 2010, about first week of Feb 2010. They are in Advanced Level and practitioners in their own respective country.
Master Soon corching his students 孙锦皇用心指导学员
Feng Shui Workshop by Master Soon孙锦皇鬼雄催财风水培训班
The reason they wanted to come because they are looking for REAL KNOWLEDGE and RESULT ORIENTED feng shui application. Prior to this, they have been studying under various famous masters, yet, after many years of applying those methods, they found Flying Stars is NOT accurate ALL THE TIME, Xuan Kong Da Gua is a fluctuate and etc……
I have requested them to get ready for 64 hexagrams and email me those application problems, fieldwork dilemma, practical problems, all problems which always faced by grand feng shui master, yet, NO WHERE to ASK.
* About three pictures attached above. The advanced practitioner workshop participants are ALL feng shui masters in the market.
Oriental Wisdom, a place to ease your feng shui frustration.
Oriental Wisdom, a place of REAL GRAND MASTER training center.
For more information,
Call Master Soon at +6012 560 3333
Email : master@mastersoon.com
This is a real feng shui case. Read carefully. Probably you would get the top secret never been revealed before in feng shui world.
Top Feng Shui Secret Revealed by Master Soon 孙老师提供风水不泄之秘
Top Feng Shui Secret is Revealed by Master Soon 孙老师操作风水秘方
San Yuan Five Ghost Activated by Master Soon 孙老师风水不传之秘
Watch Out! There will be a feng shui & Yijing training program in Mumbai, April 2010.
If you want to get a REAL and FULL knowledge of feng shui, come and join us, Oriental Wisdom in April 2010, Mumbai.
Reserve your seat now !
Contact Tel: +91-98-23880808/98-23884000 AND +91-712-2287872 /2287866
Email: vk@seaes.co.in
Enlightening Yijing explanation by Master Soon
This is Preview (1) of the April 2010 Yijing Workshop in Mumbai. Firstly, you need to know what is Gua 卦 . Etymologically means an object which “is hung” or “suspended ” to be understood metaphysically. In English, we call it as trigram. It means a diagram which consists of 3 lines.
The above diagram is showing the yin yang line of each trigram. Now, you need to pay attention to the Yin Yang 阴阳 line of each trigram. The line in Chinese is called as Yao 爻, which means dynamic, changes and mobile. The blue line reprents yin yao 阴爻,and the red line reprents yang yao 阳爻.
After recognizing yin yang yao 阴阳爻, now pay attention to the positioning of each yin yang yao at each trigrams. Try to relate this to the table at previous article. The positioning of the yao determine the contents and the meanings + the symbolism and most importantly the logic of each trigrams.
In the workshop, it would be fully explained professionally, technically and academically. The extra point is : how to practically apply trigram in your feng shui activation which never been revealed by your master before!
If you want to get a REAL and FULL knowledge of feng shui, come and join us, Oriental Wisdom in April 2010, Mumbai.
Reserve your seat now !
Contact Tel: +91-98-23880808/98-23884000 AND +91-712-2287872 /2287866
Email: vk@seaes.co.in