名字 : 李 XX
出生日期 : 19xx 12月 xx日 | PM
出生城市 : 吉隆坡
教育背景 : 双学士 (管理和市场)
事业状况 :
- 经理;汽车营销 (计划经年辞职)
- 贸易 :工业塑料
- 2016年开始接管家族生意
- 请问如何提高生意的成功率?
- 请问什么行业和什么类型的生意适合我的八字而让我囊获名誉和财富?
- 请问国际生意适合我吗?因为不久的将来我有机会到东南亚国家发展;比如越南、印泰国和中国。
- 我感觉我的身体不是处于最佳状态。不知您从玄学角度上有什么看法和处理方法?
- 不知我可以从孙老师那得到什么启发来提升我的潜能? 是否家居风水推荐于我?若我不是一家之主,请问风水布局可以帮到我个人吗?
Name : LEE XXX
Chinese Name : 李 XX
Date of Birth : xx Dec 19XX ; yy:yy PM
Place of Birth : Kuala Lumpur
Education : Degree (Double Major – Management & Marketing)
Current Work :
- Manager; Automotive Sales (Plan to resign this year)
- Trading Business: Selling Plastic Products such as …… etc for industrial use to end customers.
- Took over Family Business in 2016. Currently offering ….. including ….. to clients
Top 5 Questions
1. What is your advice to maximize my chance of success in business?
2. What is the best Industry and type of business that is most compatible with my Bazi to attain success in Monetary and Reputation?
3. Am I suitable for International Business? Since I will have opportunity soon for oversea business
– South East Asia country: Vietnam , Indonesia, Thailand, China etc
4. I felt that my health isn’t in the best condition, what is your advice to rectify this? From a metaphysical point of view or others.
5. What do I need to do to maximize my life potential through Master Soon?
Is Fengshui Reset (House audit) highly recommended for me? How Feng shui Reset can personally help me since I am now the head of family?
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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