Master Soon Was Giving Feng Shui Ideas About How to Improve The Property With Two Well Known Interior Designers in Subang, Malaysia 2011.
January is the busy month for feng shui audit as many Chinese tend to get their feng shui audited before Chinese New Year. I was invited to Subang, A city near to Kuala Lumpur, which is a well known residential area to middle income group or elites of Malaysia. In this case we discussed about the new layout for the new property unit. 2 Interior Designers were called in to have a face to face discussion about how to optimize the property from multiple perspective. Of course, Money luck and Health are 2 major concerns.

Master Soon Was Discussing Feng Shui Layout With Interior Design and Also the The Owner Who Was Accompanied By Real Estate Agent 2011
It was a happy experince to work together with various alternative parties, like designer, property owner and real estate agent. It took us more than 90 minutes to come to a common ground for bending esthetic values and also feng shui.

Discussing About The Main Door Direction and Main Door Design and Relocation While The Interior Designer Taking Notes.