On 10th October 2009, I was invited by UOB to participate in its program, feng shui talk, in conjunction with its Kelawei Branch Relaunch. The topic covered Penang feng shui and how to select an auspicious feng shui. There were approximately 40 – 50 attendants in the feng shui talk.
Many of the attendants took this opportunity to ask questions about their current house feng shui. Even, some brought along their house plan to seek my consultation.
于2009年10月10日,我被邀请参加由大华银行主办结合它Kelawei分行开幕的风水座谈会。这个座谈会的主题涵盖槟城风水, 以及如何选择一个吉祥的风水屋。大约有40 – 50来宾参加此风水座谈会。