In the Sunday Morning (12 March 2017) around 10:42am, a message from an unknown identity was sent to my WhatsApp. It sounded as below: “Mr. Soon, are you free to talk for a while? Need ask u something.” Always, people only call me on Sunday if their cases are seriously urgent. So, I assumed the caller must face some serious problem now.
After I had verified the incoming number with my phonebook, then I knew it was from a young lady whom had contacted me a few times for opinions and inputs. Let’s identify her as Evelyn (pseudonym).
Evelyn(pseudonym) did not want to WhatsApp but she prefered to call me and talk. Eventually, I agreed that she could call me after lunch at 1pm. I could easily guess what she would have in mind to discuss with me because she used to seek my opinions previously.
Below is a partial view on our consulting conversation. As I think many young ladies(from small towns) in the cities whom are looking for career advancement, love and marriage could learn from this consultation.
The contents below are purposely adjusted and modified for meaningful and insightful readership. The purpose is to create awareness among those young ladies from small towns coming to big cities to try their luck. You wouldn’t know what kind of crocodiles are waiting you there.
Evelyn : Master Soon, according to your readings, I may meet my man/romance this year. You mentioned that this romance may not be the true love for me and he may not treat me well. It seems that you do not encourage me to pursuit this romance. Today, the issue I wanted to feedback is that, there is truly a man is chasing after me. He telephones me so often until I find it is a bit uncommon….. but I can confirm that he is serious mad about me…..
Master Soon : Em…….
Evelyn : However, before I engaged your consultation, I had asked opinions from some other feng shui practitioners. All of them agreed and encouraged me to pursuit my love and marriage this year. Master Soon, why you are the only one who foresee my romance yet discourage me to pursuit it? This man always calls me and expresses his love and life plan for me. He wants to marry me……….. ( very detailed but highly confidential)……..
After listening to her wishes for love, dream for companion, goal for a family and marriage; I had looked into her chart once more time and concluded as below
Evelyn : He is married but he promises to divorce his wife. He is everywhere in my life. I am highly suspecting he is using wire taping device to trace my daily life. I do not use my own phone to call you now because I want to skip away from his spying activities; but at the same time, it seems that I am emotionally and psychologically so impressed by how capable he is to know every single details of my life. Shall I submit myself to him?
Master Soon: You are young, single and unmarried. You should look for unmarried young man.
Evelyn : He has successfully synchronized his mind wavelength into mine; almost all parts of my life. Master Soon, my mind constantly asks me to surrender to him…. other consultants also agree that I shall give in myself to him totally since I am also looking for a man to marry….? I call you today to counter confirm before I surrender myself to him; as my future spouse…?
Master Soon : Listen carefully, Evelyn. You are just like Eve of Eden Garden in the verge of deadly fall. Death & Curse were the ONLY results once Eve ate the Forbidden Fruits. Synchronicity does not mean MANDATE (Destiny). But a demonic temptation or satanic trap.
Once you surrender yourself to him, you are GONE FOREVER; like the fall of Eve in Eden Garden. You will be cast out from Eden Garden(true happiness 幸福) FOREVER.
Evelyn : ………………. Thank you for your advice
Master Soon: A Blessed Spouse will come with joyful, cheerful, delightful manner… On the contrary, a cursed spouse / satanic spouse will come as haunted mindset, full of threats and evil doings…..It is so clear that you are under satanic temptation.
Evelyn : Yes, I truly think so too. Thank you for advice.
Today, Evelyn (pseudonym) is totally FREE from Satanic Mind Control. She is free from spirit of devil by the POWER of Divine.
Only certain parts of the story could be shared but not the whole piece of the occurrence; as long as it is sufficient to create awareness among young ladies in the cities.
Kindly bear in mind since the world enters year 2017, we are deeply in the ocean of spiritual ware; thru out the whole globe.
Be mindful for the messege below :
Whoever practising black magic and IF you think that your magic power is greater than Holy Spirit, kindly WhatsApp Me at +6012 560 3333 to prove that your power is greater than Holy Spirit.
Yet, before that, let me warn you in advance for the consequences if you look down on the power of the Holy Spirit as proclaimed by Jesus Himself below.
31 Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. Matthew 12:31-32
Be careful for your language and be mindful when you talk about Holy Spirit.
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Whats App : +6012 560 3333