With the end of Ghost month on 05 September, the season of Malaysian Chinese feng shui renovation starts. There are a number of feng shui audit engagement from customers of Northern Malaysia, Central Malaysia and Southern Malaysia.
September to February are the most busiest 6 months for Malaysian Chinese to do house purchase, house renovation, house moving and business opening. There are estimated that more than 80% of Malaysia Chinese engage feng shui consultation before renovation. It has become a yearly festival among Malaysia Chinese according to my year long experience…..
If you own a house and want to make sure your home/ business feng shui is not only alright, but to boost it to the optimum for your success, you may call 6012 560 3333 for inquiry or email to master@mastersoon.com for further information.
随着马来西亚华人鬼月即将于9月5日结束,已有许多北马,中马和南马客户已经致电本人预约商业和家居风水。马来西亚华人社会一年最忙于买房,装修,入伙,开业 大多从每年阳历9月至下一年的2月。在马来西亚的华人有超过80%比率在开业和入伙搬迁都有邀请风水老师做风水堪察 以便 事半功倍 提高成功机会。
如果您是属于有房屋人士,要有转业风水质询,对您的家居风水布局,商业风水摆设,吉日开业入伙;您可以致电 6012- 560 3333 询问详情。或电邮 master@mastersoon.com