- 与其原地抱怨那无法改变的过去,不如转身拥抱那充满阳光的明天。
- 与其为明天的重担而忧虑,不如为明天的希望而努力。
- 与其等待明天的到来,不如去创造美好的明天。
- 与其急着定论昨天的是非,不如静心倾听明天到来的脚步声。
- 与其烦恼这事很难行,不如斟酌这事如何办。
- Instead of complaining about the past that cannot be changed, it is better to turn around and embrace the sunny tomorrow.
- Instead of worrying about the burden of tomorrow, it is better to work hard for the hope of tomorrow.
- Instead of waiting for tomorrow, it is better to create a better tomorrow.
- Instead of rushing to determine yesterday’s right and wrong, it is better to listen to the footsteps of tomorrow.
- Instead of being upset for difficulties, it’s better to think about what to do.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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