Feng Shui Adopted by Emperor Hong Taiji 皇帝也暗地利用风水
- Hong Taiji 皇太极 (28 November 1592 – 21 September 1643), sometimes written as Huang Taiji and formerly referred to as Abahai in Western literature, was the second khan of Later Jin 后金 (reigned from 1626 to 1636) and the founding emperor of the Qing dynasty清朝 (reigned from 1636 to 1643).
- REMARK 1: You do not have to be the FIRST. Because Number 2 is ALWAYS greater than the FIRST. The 2nd Khan, Hong Taiji implemented new policies like Integration & Unification to enlarge his empire.
- He was responsible for consolidating the empire that his father Nurhaci 努尔哈赤 had founded and laid the groundwork for the conquest of the Ming dynasty明朝, although he died before this was accomplished.
- REMARK 2: Be responsible to your children before you leave this world.
- He was also responsible for changing the name of the Jurchen ethnicity 女真族 to “Manchu”满族 in 1635, and changing the name of his dynasty from “Great Jin” 大金to “Great Qing” 大清in 1636. The Qing dynasty lasted until 1912.
- REMARK 3: The concept of Zhonghua中华(The Blossom Civilization of the World Centre) is adopted by Modern China to unify all Chinese around the world, be Mainland, Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau as provinces & overseas Chinese; much powerful than divisive Islamic Ummah.
- 皇太极是后金建立者努尔哈赤(尊为清太祖)第八子。
- 在1626年努尔哈赤逝世后继承汗位,年号天聪。
- 当时后金的实际统治区域为现中国东北大部及俄罗斯远东部分地区。
- 在位期间,大力发展生产,持續增强兵力,为后来清朝迅速扩展入主中原打下了坚实的基础。
- REMARK 3: The concept of Zhonghua中华(The Blossom Civilization of the World Centre) is adopted by Modern China to unify all Chinese around the world, be Mainland, Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau as provinces & overseas Chinese; much powerful than divisive Islamic Ummah.
- Hong Taiji 皇太极 changed public perspective (people to be conquered) & successfully weakening enemy defensive psychology by changing the name of entire ethnicity from Jurchen 女真 to Manchu 满族;
- REMARK 4: Study how China turns the Covid 19 crisis into success & further re-strengthening Chinese cultural element export, besides weakening the Western confidence by their very weakness during pandemics.
- 以改族名之手段弱化敌方普通老百姓的提防心理
- REMARK 4: Study how China turns the Covid 19 crisis into success & further re-strengthening Chinese cultural element export, besides weakening the Western confidence by their very weakness during pandemics.
- Hong Taiji 皇太极 increased the national confidence level vigorously of the minority to capture the Promised Land from the hand of the majority by changing the name of his reigning dynasty from “Great Jin” 大金to “Great Qing” “大清.
- REMARK 5: The Promised Land to be captured at this moment is WESTERN countries.
- 以改国号增加国人的自信心;以少胜多,以弱胜强
- REMARK 5: The Promised Land to be captured at this moment is WESTERN countries.
- Hong Taiji 皇太极 encouraged soft strategy,for example social harmony by promoting multi-racial administration & inter-marriage between Han Chinese & Manchu.
- REMARK 6: Serve BOTH Spices & Honey to the Western Countries
- 怀柔手段囊获归顺者的服从心
- REMARK 6: Serve BOTH Spices & Honey to the Western Countries
- Without hesitation, Hong Taiji 皇太极 enforced his military might into Inner Mongolia & Korea, two vassal states to Ming Dynasty; even for minor mistakes.
- REMARK 7: Punish Australia & Lithuania, KAU-KAU
- 枪杆里头出政权
- REMARK 7: Punish Australia & Lithuania, KAU-KAU
- Hong Taiji made his palace (Shengyang 沈阳) a replica of Forbidden City in Beijing; the Promised Land he wanted to conquer.
- REMARK 8: Beijing to replace Washington; Shanghai to replace New York
- By changing his palace feng shui, he had materialized the conquest in his DREAM or IMAGINATION.
- REMARK 9: You truly need to study how effective is for Chinese Dream “ 中国梦”
- A proven effective metaphysical method he adopted to achieve his VISION & Mission.
- REMARK 10: Stay Tuned if you want the Secret Teaching of Jesus(You are in Me)
- 利用玄学风水将敌方的皇宫,通过风水搬运来自己当时的皇宫;玄学转移法
- REMARK 10: Stay Tuned if you want the Secret Teaching of Jesus(You are in Me)
- The very reason I love to travel to the historical site.
- The reason why I love metaphysics (including feng shui).
- The reason why my clients love to listen to my opinion in terms of military stratagem during consultation services.
- You can make use of the 10 remarks above for your business expansion.
这是为何我热爱游历历史古迹,热爱玄学智慧(包括风水) 策略人生;还有为何我的客户喜欢跟我交流的原因.
The photos were taken on 25 Oct 2017 in Shenyang Imperial Palace
摄于沈阳故宫 2017年10月25日
Stay Tuned for more information
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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