Chasing a Real Virgin Dragon Spot for Living Tomb 寻龙点穴 二
Note: Read Part 1 first.
Along the way, of course we faced a lot of obstacles. (Picture 1) These challenges were totally different from what you face in a fully developed memorial park. I dedicated two persons to be the front liners to clear the path. To assure full efficiency of path clearing in a jungle or bushes, you only could have one person to do the job. The other one was stand-by and take turn when the one tired. If you are a jungle tracker, you should know the reasons why. One of the reasons is that you need to make space allowance for knife to swing.
My role here was so crucial to justify the path. To be a feng shui master chasing after a virgin dragon spot, you need to be patience, alert, and sensitive besides make sure the hard work of path clearing was not a waste of time and energy as I was responsible for every manpower usage.
When we reached the Left Green Dragon 左青龙 , I added more man power to clear the bushes and trees. The man grey T-shirt with a seesaw machine was about approaching the centre area of the Left Green Dragon. (Picture 2) The moment this cut into the bushes, out of sudden, I heard a loud screaming sound from him while running away from the bushes. After examination, we knew that it was a moderate size cave for bees. The size of a bee was approximate 3 cm and it was big and looked aggressive. The bees built nest surrounding the cave. I was so happy to see this sign as this meant we were getting closer and closer to our destination. The nature and its inhabitants are always more sensitive and always choosing the good location for reproduction of their gene pool. The bee‘s nest (hive) is a preliminary affirmation.
After a short while, I concentrated all man power to clear the area surrounding the bee nest with the condition not to harm the bees’ habitat. As I expected, we found a strange big stone. (Picture 3) Is this the dragon spot? Is this the dragon vein? No, definitely not. But, this is the Natural Verdict. If you are approaching a real dragon, there are certain verdicts for certain phases and segments. We were at the Left Green Dragon. This is the verdict to the LEFT GREEN DRAGON 左青龙. If you study the picture carefully, you would there is a face features like a COBRA. (Picture 4)
It was 6:10pm. I instructed them to rest and got prepared to go down from the Left Green Dragon. By having this kind of verdict confirmation, every body was so happy and enjoys our work. The workers were so excited to come back tomorrow as they were looking forwards to look for the dragon spot as I promised.
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