Today, I am in Shenzhen. Temperature is 22 celcius and the sky is windy. After finishing corporate feng shui audit, I was taken to a restaurant.
Shenzhen is the third spot of my feng shui audits this trip. Shenzhen, next to Hong Kong, is a very vibrant city in term of business and entertainment.
I was fully occupied for the last 6 days from a city to a city within Delta of Pearl River.
Many emails of enquiries I have received, besides many feng shui follow up cases are awaiting my replies.
My apologies to delayed reply.
Tonite I am able to get back to my laptop and reaching you….
As many pictures taken by my asistant which are so precious in term of feng shui case study, I will process later on for your reference, if you are interested.
Tomorrow, I will be in another city along Delta of Pearl River….
Master Soon
email :
mobile: +6012 560 3333