Picture 3 -Side Door of Sony Centre

Picture 2 - Main Door of Sony Centre

Picture 1 - Sony Centre Audited By Master Soon 孙锦皇受聘勘察风水
This is the Sony Electronic Product retail outlet in Queensbay Mall, Penang. It is one of my successful clientele in retail business line. The business owner invited and engaged my feng shui service 3 years ago. Today, you still can see this outlet is still operating in the Centre Court of Queensbay.
The holistic view of the outlet is as Picture 1. It is an independent and stand alone outlet.
The professional feng shui consultation starts from site selection. After examined the suitability accordance to the Qi mouth气口 and Water Mouth水口, I started to plan for where to have the main entrance and side door. In fact, the location of the outlet was the open space. The management decided to utilize the vast empty space to create a retail outlet to be rented in order to increase rental return. This is very common nowadays in majority shopping mall in Malaysia.
After considering the external Qi mouth气口 and water exit 出水口, the main door is aligned. Picture 2 shows the main door. Picture3 is the side door. If you ask me which door is important? I would say both are equally important. Why? Because one door is the Qi inhalation and the other is xxxxxx, besides the identification and the usage of money corner.