The Professional Daoism Workshop III was conducted on 19 Jan 2013 at YMCA, Penang.
Dao 道, without Yi 易 is blind; while, Yi 易, without Dao 道is deaf.
If a master knows Dao道, yet has no mastery on Yijing, he could not change the quantitative dimension.
If a master knows Yi易, yet has no mastery on Dao 道, he could not change the qualitative substance.
Humbly we had ventured into 2 aspects and tried to blend 2 into ONE.
元精 Yuan Xing
- “生之米,谓之精”The crops of Life. Essence for youthfulness.
- “两神相搏,合而成形,常先身生,是谓精。”Blending of 2 entities of spirits, Connecting for physical formation, exists before physical creation.”
- Yuan Jing is NOT Jing of sexual desire. 非淫荡所感之精
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元神Yuan Shen
- “心中之神,不动不静之中活活泼泼时是也.” The dynamic and active spirit exists when one individual is in a condition when he is calm yet aware of his calmness.
- 内念不生,外想不如,独我自主,谓之元神 No inner thoughts, no outer disturbance, only self exists, this is Yuan Shen.
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During the workshop, we had analysed a few Yijing charts regarding metaphysical enhancements which are seldom been taught nowadays, been long forgotten……..
These are metaphysical secrets….
This workshop was a Closed-Door workshop. Only by Invitation.
Master Soon
email :
Mobile : 6012 560 3333