- We have been waiting for this moment for 3 days, immediately after Super Full
BloodMoon on 26 May 2021. - As I always proclaim, there are several powerful dragon spots 龙穴 around Penang Hill.
- Astronomical phenomenons like Crescent & lunar eclipse are closely related
to me as a metaphysician is astrological meaningful and metaphysical insightful for immediate action as long as Energy Transfer / Transmission / Transfiguration. - This is the time when and where Yin Full King 阴符经: 天地,万物之盗 says plundering the divine power by equalizing one self as part of nature. https://www.mastersoon.com/the-hidden-agenda-of-pandemics-genocide/
- This is not only taught by Chinese metaphysical concept like As Above So Below 在天成象 在地成形 but this energy transfer was shown & taught by Jesus secretively in
The Transfiguration (Matthew 17)
1 After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves.
2 There he
was transfiguredbefore them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. -
3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.
4 Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
5 While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him, I am well pleased. Listen to him!”
- How do you know the timing and open up this power? (I had instructed someone to be ever ready for this opportunity since before the full moon on 26 May 2021)
- Firstly, certain & specific Ding Fire Day is special for Energy Transfer, according to Chinese Alchemy as recorded in <玄微心印 >: 天上太阴以三日而月出庚方.先庚三日丁也.后庚三日癸也.先甲三日.辛生癸也.后甲三日.丁也.信至为庚.潮尽为甲.
- Secondly, 庚甲丁 Combination is worthy of your attention in empowerment.
- Thirdly, the 癸 Gui water element is a by-product during Divine Energy Transmission.
- 29 May 2021 fulfilled this requirement relatively.
- The summary is as below :
- From the chart above, you expect to see a dragon symbol as the gate of heaven and gate of earth were open from 7 pm to 8:59 pm on the day.
- Xu hour 戌时 (7 pm to 8:59 pm) on 29 May 2021 was the opening timeframe of Heaven Gate and Earth Gate.
- From the video below, you could see Dragon Cloud was formed at the North East (why the day is Chao 丑东北方). Lots of invisible soldiers around Dragon Spot.
- The Day Pillar was 丁丑日, Ding is fire energy at the NE of the Dragon Spot.
- Why at 7:15 pm because that was the timing for Gate Opening; both Heaven & Earth.
- Why I was busy these few days at the SW of the Dragon Cloud Formation?
- In order to form a Triumvirate Between Heaven & Earth (Human in between).
- Why there are a very limited number of people were aware of this happening?
- This is the secret of the celestial realm,
- So that very limited individuals get the chance. (only 3 out of 12 disciples of Jesus were allowed to go up the hill, the rest stayed below)
- The dragon cloud is formed, then you have to move to the right; the bigger the cloud the further to the right, by proportion.
- That is the reason why Dragon is called Left Dragon 左青龙!
- The golden backdrop of the dragon cloud was associated with Ding Fire (Brilliant Lights) day.
- Why Jesus was so powerful?
- That power was so powerful that ….. don’t you find it is so strange that for a Chinese metaphysician to not only talk about it but practically and dynamically tap on it ……
- It is a lie if the date selection is said to be powerful
on paper, yet you see no physical sign;neither in the sky nor on earth. - Because according to Yin Full King 阴符经:观天之道,执天之行,尽矣。 Tap those celestial power from Heaven
- 故天有五贼,见之者昌。 Plunder those Energies
- 五贼在心,施行于天。 Jesus said: I am in you & you are in me.
- 宇宙在乎手,万化生乎身。 My hands were nailed to the cross but my body is resurrected.
- Kindly refer to Yin Full King 阴符经:
- 天性人也,人心机也。Jesus said:I am in you & you are in me.
- 立天之道,以定人也 whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing. He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father.…
- Kindly cross-checking with John 14:10- 12
- Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I say to you, I do not speak on My own. Instead, it is the Father dwelling in Me, performing His works. 我在父裡面,父在我裡面,你不信嗎?我對你們所說的話,不是憑著自己說的,乃是住在我裡面的父做他自己的事。
- 11Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me— or at least believe on account of the works themselves. 你們當信我,我在父裡面,父在我裡面;即或不信,也當因我所做的事信我。
- 12Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing. He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father.… 我實實在在地告訴你們:我所做的事,信我的人也要做,並且要做比這更大的事,因為我往父那裡去.
- According to Chinese Alchemy: Pay attention to the date on Ding Fire for power once Lunar Eclipse happens on the date of Jia 甲日 ;
- This secret is not highlighted ENOUGH in 奇门 遁甲 and 六壬大全.
- Below attached a video captured by someone when Transfer of Energy was taken place.
- 气行于地,形丽于天。因形察气,以立人纪。
- 天之所临,地之所盛。形止气蓄,万物化生。气感而应,鬼福及人。
- 是故:天有象,地有形;上下相须而成一体。此之谓“化机”。
- “Father” quoted from John 14:10- 12 is NOT the god in Old Testament.
- But rather this concept should be perceived from the originality of the human soul 本有、自性.
- This article is only 1/5 of the whole process of Energy Transfer.
- There are more insightful video and pictures captured from lunar eclipse(26 May 2021) till 30 May 2021)
Stay Tuned for More Information
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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