- This is part of the process for those are participating in Heavenly Energy Transmission via Yin Full King 《阴符经》 : 观天之道, 执天之行 : Plundering the Cosmos Energy.
- As usual, this wonderful scenery only found on top of certain parts at Penang Hill.
- Because there are several powerful dragon spots in Air Itam, Penang Hill.
- This remarkable and amazing auspicious cloud with grace was over the top of Kek Lok Si Temple, Air Itam.
- You could adsorb the energy at the correct place, correct timing with correct openness of your inner self.
- The color( a form of energy) of the cloud was reddish and metallic; due to
- Ding fire from heaven 丁火时干,shined on the hidden Geng Metal & Fire Element of Month Pillar(巳月藏丙戊庚)
- The hour was associated with auspicious energy of Harmony(三合), Heavenly Court Pardon(天赦). Diamond Treasure (宝光) and Heavenly Virtues (天德) blessings.
- Yin Full King 阴符经 : 神明出焉,其道机也! Plunder the energies once appear….. as that is the moment for plundering.
- How to plunder? Then you need to refer to the sayings of Jesus as below
- In the Gospel of Thomas,
- Jesus said, “Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find.
- When they find it, they will be disturbed.
- When they are disturbed, they will marvel and will rule over all.
- How to suck this energy? Yin Full King 阴符经says: 天性人也,人心机也!same like Jesus said,
- “Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For there is nothing hidden that won’t be revealed.”
- “Don’t lie, and don’t do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven. After all, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing covered up that will remain undisclosed.”
- How to tap the Qi? Yin Full King 阴符经 says 人知其神而神,不知不神所以神!
- Jesus said: Rather, the (Father’s) imperial rule is inside you and outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father(originality of the spirit). But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty.”
- Attached video to show you the actual condition of the cloud. The cloud disappeared after 7:20 am
- These diamond clouds concentrated in the area of dragon spots (Air Itam) only.
Remarks: The father in The Gospel of Thomas is NOT the God of the Old Testament. But it is your very own spiritual originality 自性
For more Cosmic Energy Plundering… Stay Tuned
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