- An old friend cum old student called me yesterday, as he is expanding his business & investments.
- He wanted to buy a new car and seeking my opinion about car plate number.
- He expressed that missing one of my class back in 2011-2014 is probably
regrettable. - However, I encourage him to pick Yijing by self study.
- I have stopped teaching since 2016 and fully focus on coaching giant businessmen with huge investment.
- Because if your skills are so powerful and worthy as you claim, why do you want to cheap sell your talents thru courses ?
- Nevertheless, I am satisfied and happy to see MOST of my ex-students are doing well excellently in the market. Why? They got the powerful skills.
- Since 2016, I have been staying at the backdrop and coaching the giant businessmen with their impressive investment as below .
- Why do I associate myself with politics? You will get the answer if you study competent metaphysicians in ancient time like 姜太公、鬼谷子、张良、诸葛亮、刘伯温 etc….
- Then you understand why I did approach Putrajaya, visiting Datuk Seri Najib residence & etc….
Stay Tuned for more information
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com