- The history of Nusantara shows that Malaysia Destiny & Indonesia Destiny have been interlocking with each other.
- When Indon was up, then Tanah Melayu was down in accordance with One Up & One Down.
- When Majapahit & Srivijaya were dominating from Indon, that was the time Tanah Melayu was DOWN.
- When Malacca Sultanante was dominating from Tanah Melayu, that was the time Indon was DOWN.
- In 1824, The Dutch and British saw this metaphysically and eventually divided Nusantara into
- North(Tanah Melayu & North Borneo)
- South (Sumatera, Java & West/South/East Borneo)
- From then Nusantara suffered from socio-political pain due to colonialization & geographical separation into North & South; their souls cry; the fall of a great Bangsa in the hand of the West.
- Nevertheless, after 200 years, Indonesia will lead Nusantara to make a come back in the year 2024.
- The historic comeback of this great Bangsa will be led by Indonesia but not Malaysia.
- Why?
- First, Malaysia has lost its Nusantara heritage due to Arabization decade after decade.
- Second, Malaysia will enter its decline after 2024
- Third, Malaysia is experiencing a transitional period from the peak to decline since 2015.
- Malaysia & Indonesia are One. They are from the same Rumpun.
- The mandate did not allow Nusantara to be wiped out by the West.
- When Indonesia is down, Malaysia is Up. Vice Versa.
- This time, Indonesia will lead Nusantara as boss after 2024.
- Indonesia and Malaysia are mirror image to each other; One Up & One Down
- What in-store for you that Nusatara could bring?
- One of the outcomes is that Malaysians could export housemaids to Indonesia after 25 years from now.
Stay Tuned More Excited Info
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