- This is a real case study that my client updated me on 17 Sept 2021.
- He mentioned that he got a 50% increment for his basic, 115 days after the feng shui audit.
- There was no door tilting, no bed realignment, no stove replacement, and no renovation.
- But only Heart Cultivation !
- 没有调门、没有调床、没有调灶、没有装修!
- 只有《调心》 ;因为佛说: “ 一切谓心造!”
- Why you do not need to tilt your door or remove your bed orientation?
- Because physicality that locks our mind/destiny/luck/happiness/life, including the directional dimension of compass/door/bed/kitchen/stove, is not only temporary, transient, illusory(misleading) but also directing to WRONG view & Distorted Perspective.
- 佛说 : “ 一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观”。
- You also could achieve your goal by Changing & Cultivating your Heart.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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