Master Soon Accurately Predicted The Dealth of A Prominent Malaysian Politician(refered to horse year of birth) in 2008. Megat Junid Megat Ayub(borned in 1942-horse year), the veteran politician passed away 3 days(24 Jan 2008) after the official announcement(21 Jan 2008) made by Master Soon. 孙老师精准预测马来西亚肖马的政要死亡事件。梅加 Megat Junid, 马来政要 (肖马) 于孙老师宣布这消息三天后证实病死。
In 21 January 2008, a local newspaper 《光华日报》 published my prediction on Malaysia politics. The Title was ” 2008 is dangarous to politician especially those born in year of HORSE”. 鼠年是政要的凶年. 3 days after my public annoucement, this statement came TRUE. It was a bit surprised to those who followed my prediction at the year 2008. The veteran Malay politician, Megat Junid (born in 1942, Horse) died on 24 January 2008.
Tan Sri Megat Junid Bin Megat Ayub (1942[1] – 24 January 2008) was a Malaysian politician and direct descendant of Megat Terawis, a bendahara of Perak. Juind was first elected as a Malaysian MP at the same time that Mahathir became Prime minister of the country.He was appointed Primary Industries Deputy Minister in Mahathir’s government, just two years later.
In 1986, Mahathir next appointed Junid to be his deputy in the Home Affairs Ministry.Junid’s tenure as the deputy Home Affairs minister was rocked by several controversies, including illegal immigration, a psike in illicit drug use and Operation Lalang of 1987.Junid was appointed to become Malaysia’s Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister in 1997.He served at that post for two years until he lost his seat in parliament to a PAS candidate in the 1999 “Reformasi” elections. Megat Junid died on 24 January 2008, aged 65, at the Pantai Medical Centre in Bangsar,Kuala Lumpur .Another sub-topic of I announced publicly in the same newspaper was : “Eight Rats Tease The Falling Golden Qian Horse 八鼠戏弄乾马坠“
Eight refered to 2008, 八是指2008年
Rat refered to year of Rat, 鼠 是指 2008年也是鼠年
Golden, Gold refered to Politic in term of Yijing terminology 《乾》卦在易经里指政权.
Horse refered to Malay political power in term of Chinese calligraphical and pictographical hidden meaning. 《马》在汉字学指 马来政权.
- The ruling party, UMNO (Malay) lost the 5 States out of 13 States for the FIRST TIME to the OPPOSITION parties after 51 years of Independence.
- Among 5 States, Selangor State and Penang State are the economic generator to Malaysia GDP and the most Advanced State.
- The ruling party, UMNO lost 2/3 majority Parliamentary Seats for the FIRST TIME in Malaysia History.
- The Ruling FRONT, BN only got 63% of Parliamentary Seat (2008), compared to the previous 90.4% (2004)
- The Ruling FRONT, BN only got 50.27% of vote (2008), compared to the previous 63.9% (2004)
- For the First Time UMNO (in Yijing symbolized by Horse 马) defeated so badly and many ministers lost in 2008.
Point 5 shows that the ruling Front is getting only half of the political mandate from the people.
The published official poetic prediction was accurately in line with the outcome. This is possible if you know Yijing very very well. Flying Stars feng shui system is unable to do this kind of prediction. Nevertheless, you can also do this kind of accurate national prediction if your master’ lineage is connected to……..
If a master can predict your personal luck, why he cannot predict the luck for a bigger issue, like The Destiny of A Country ????
Stay Tuned for more exciting information……..