- This talented young man came to me for advice & opinion since April 2018.
- I was very impressed when reading his track records and career achievements that he had achieved for a young man below 30 years old.
- Our topic of discussion for these 4 years is about HOW to MAKE him Great Again.
- I would say it was not an easy task to have brainstorming & discussion with a super genius.
- It seriously burned my brain every time talking to the super-powered brain in his head.
- Nevertheless, I took the responsibility patiently with dedication.
- The main points here are :
- when you have enjoyed the great luck for 20 years continuously, kindly bear in mind
- that next awaiting you is a deep dark valley for at least 1 decade(10 years).
- You will never rise again if you follow conventional destiny reading, Rather,
- you should apply the Enantiodromia 物极必反 Approach instead of the Balance/Equilibrium 平衡 Approach; if you want to be GREAT AGAIN.
- By theory, he should be in the darkest period NOW(10 years) AFTER standing/enjoying the peak/top of his 20 years for the Auspicious Luck Cycle(20年旺运)
- Yet, today he reversed/turned it successfully. 我命由我 不由天
- If you have not read the Old Classic –Yin Fu King 《阴符经》; then you will never understand what is Enantiodromia. 物极必反
- If Yijing 易经 is my right arm, then, Yi Fu King 阴符经 is my left arm.
- When you combine BOTH classics as above; you get close to the hidden truth.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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