- Quoted from Demography, Volume 23, Number 2 dated May 1986 by Charles Hirschman.
- Warnings to Malaysian Chinese back in 1986 (35 years ago) in the article, were as below
- Almost 60% drastic decline in Malaysian Chinese(MC) Fertility rate from 6.5 in 1958 to 2.7 in 1983.
- By the year 1983, each Malaysia Chinese woman gave birth to 2.7 babies
- While Malay experienced less fertility reduction by 23% decline from 5.9 in 1958 to 4.5 in 1983.
- By the year 1983, each Malay woman gave birth to 4.5 babies.
- Surprisingly, it was interesting to note that Fertility Rate for MC(6.5%) was higher than of the Malay(5.9%) back in 1958,
- Although MC has been much more urbanized than Malay who was predominantly mostly staying in a rural area up to the mid-1980s.
- This was in contrast with the contemporary sociological theory that suggests urbanization always producing lesser babies, yet relatively urbanzied MC produced MORE than his counterpart back in the year 1958.
- The only explanation for this scenario is MC was very much holding to their traditional family value system – BIG Family back in the 1950s.
- However, family values & values towards family cum world view among MC changed drastically during the 1960s – 1980s consistently and eventually resulting in a drastic decline in Fertility rate.
- While disadvantages of economic status and the rural area did not stop Malay from producing more babies.
- By the Year 2019, the Fertility Rate for
- Malay: 2.288
- Chinese: 1.111
- Indian: 1,198
- Kindly be noted that 2.1 is the replacement fertility level.
- Any community that her fertility rate falls below 2.1 is committing suicide in terms of culture, economics, and politics.
- This is how MC committed such suicidal acts since the 1960s – 1990s.
- By the year 2002, MC fell below 2.1, the replacement fertility level.
- Although being warned by American experts back in the 1980s, yet, MC kept ignoring the message due to addiction for
personal & individual economic gain. - The downfall of MC was set in the 1960s in general or the 1980s in particular.
- MC started
to break free from their BIG family valueand traditional value since the 1960s. - However, MC practically put her own community in BIG DANGER since the late 1980s thru individualism instead of collectivism, self-centeredness instead of generosity.
- From the late 1980s, MC launched full swing towards Westernization via the channels like MNC and foreign factories.
- They carry those western values home and break their family apart.
Stay Tuned for more discussion
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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