- A successful investor or businessman runs & operates his business/investment practically in reality.
- A business theorist like a lecturer teaches in a college where he has never put his theories into practical reality.
- A business theorist has no idea whether his theory is workable in reality if compared to a practicing businessman/investor.
- Rather, most of the true practicing businessmen/investors know much better than business lecturers in terms of technical know-how.
- A truly successful practicing businessman does not need to conduct classes for a fee as a source of income.
- Why does an investor want to reveal his “secrets”? No way!
- For this reason, I have stopped feng shui teaching since 2015.
- Because the value & reward I could generate from the practical battlefield/real world is much higher and satisfactory than that in the class.
- Moreover, there are a lot of superstitions within feng shui.
- In order to make the students keep coming back for classes after classes, those superstitions are rebranded, made anew & included to make the syllabus everlasting long.
- This is what happens in the feng shui industry.
- Attached is a short message where I deal with my client for metaphysical strategies.
- Our ancient metaphysicians like
- 姜子牙 Jiang Zi Ya
- 张良 Zhang Liang
- 郭璞 Guo Pu
- 李淳風 Li Chun Feng
- 袁天罡 Yuan Tian Gang
- 诸葛亮 Zhu Ge Liang
- 刘伯温 Liu Bo Wen
- and many MORE
- They had proven themselves in politics for power, wealth, authority.
- Then why modern feng shui masters cannot do the same in socio-economics?
- If you truly have feng shui kung fu, you should prove yourself in reality, but not juicing your students in classes for unproven superstitions.
- The major factor that shapes your destiny as Malaysian Chinese in this country is your identity as Kafir under Islam. It is nothing to do with your superstitious hypothesis.
- The reason why Malaysian Chinese turn to feng shui & numerology for salvation is simply due to their frustration and hopelessness caused by discrimination cutting along religious lines.
- Sadly, they are turning in the wrong direction for the refuge……
- Being discriminated against and marginalized is the price you Malaysian Chinese pay for maintaining your racial identity, root, and culture.
- To get rid of this discrimination is through wisdom and strategies; but not feng shui or numerology.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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电邮 Email: master@mastersoon.com