- To change your Destiny/Luck, you must understand the ingredients and substances that constitute your Destiny.
- Destiny is NOT the Will of God. Destiny is NOT written by God; unless you have agreed to jeopardize yourself and endanger/enslave your life by submitting to the Conspiracy of God the Almighty, which may end up your soul in the devilish burning hell that have been happening thru out the humanity history due to the limitation of wisdom to digest the most poisonous/destructive treason to persecute/tyrannize the precious soul of humanity,which is highly potential to uncover/reveal the cruelty and repressive ugliness of the so called “Absolute the Almighty” .
- Listen carefully. Your Destiny is none other than the actual resultant/force that you accumulated through your very own unaccountable 无量数 life cycles.
- Destiny is defined as the accumulative vector quantity, which is equivalent to the combined effect of numerous components from your various past life cycles, meeting/acting at the same point in space and time (your current life/destiny on this planet earth).
- Since Destiny is a Force/Energy/Compulsion, that is why we tangibly feel and objectively experience that certain time frames/period of our life are forceful/pushy/dynamic/energetic. Your very experience of life tells the truth that your destiny/life/luck is a form of power/energy that most of the time is beyond your comprehension; which most of the people mistakenly perceive as God’s Will, instead of its actual fact as a dynamic convergence of life force vectors caused by one’s very own good/bad deeds in unaccountable life cycles; due to ignorance, misinformation and poisonous indoctrination to sustain the survival of the interest.
- The interwoven and convergence of the previous life cycles magnitude, construct the fluctuations and variations(up & down) of your current LUCK uncertainties, as the very precise reflection(mirror) on your previous positive & negative vibration of numerous past life emancipation.
- Destiny is a fair and square game in order to uphold the universal justice, equality, neutrality, morality, righteousness, disinterestedness and integrity.
- A righteous and just God, the Almighty does not create inequality and injustice. Because if He does so to humanity, then He is unrighteous, unjust,unequal and full of vested interests, or simply an imperfect god in general and god of corrupt in particular.
- To justify the righteousness, justice and equality, this so-called as “Almighty God” must be Hand FREE from all kind of inequality and injustice of humanity, theoretically.
- Hence, any one person born with defections and disabilities, like natural blindness, deaf, disables,retardation or natural defects and limitations in terms of walking, talking, hearing, seeing, breathing, learning, performing manual tasks; ALL THESE are caused by Destiny due to his own good/bad deeds from numerous life cycles, based on fair and square law of universe.
- If your mind could comprehend this simple statement, then, you are there about to see the falsehood and the ugliness of Conspiracy of God/Devil when he proclaims his Mightiness to create All of the ALL, including to be the creator and the major cause for misfortunes/adversities/sufferings and the devilish/satanic substance to the worst.
- From Item 8-10 as mentioned above, the conclusion is : there is no “Almighty God” to write your destiny.
- This is simply because “Almighty” is including the characteristics of “satanic, devilish,hellish, misfortune, adversity, suffering, pain, trauma, torture ……. and negative elements that your mind could think of; where the Almighty himself also trapped in between quietly but discontentedly,irritably, resentfully and feel offended to claim his dignity.
- All these negativeness are not only contradicting the nature of “Almighty” who is always being portrait-ed as POSITIVE. This is tearing down the hypocrite nature of Almighty.
- Nonetheless, Ancient Chinese Sages and Wisdom never lock & poison the mind of their children by the concept of “Almighty”. Ancient Chinese Sages thru their various classics have repeatedly remind their children that the realm of divine is equally full of Yin & Yang; Good & Bad. God is defined as combination of Yin & Yang. God is a combination of Good and Evil. He is Godly & Ungodly as well. He is righteous and unrighteous at the same time. He is omnipresent, he presents in the heaven and in the hell as well. That is why he is omnipresent. He is holy and unholy as well. That is why he is omnipotent.
- Chinese Metaphysics(CM) are constructed and formed based on this very TRUTH.Chinese Metaphysics never trapped itself with the hypocrisy/deceit of “God/Satan Conspiracy”.
- Ancient Chinese Wisdom reveals that your destiny is not in the hand of God. Because God himself also is trapped within the domain of Yin Yang, just like the way human being are. That is why God is addicted to the worship(a form of self righteous desire) from Man.
- Your destiny is absolutely re-writable, re-design-able, reorient-able, re-adjustable, re-definable.
- If you dislike the negativeness of your destiny, then you could “Minimize” it.
- If you like the positiveness of your destiny, then you could “Maximize” it.
- If you want to utilize your destiny, then you could “Optimize” it.
- Nevertheless, there are some technical know-how and mechanisms to Obtain these “Minimization-Maximization-Optimization”. And, these are so-called the “forbidden knowledge, where Ancient Chinese Sages have passed down to their children to safeguard their 5000 years old civilization.
- If you wanted to know the “forbidden knowledge” to CHANGE your destiny, then email to
- Contact Master Soon for “From a Possibility to a Reality”. From ” Possible Change to REAL Change”.
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333