- You Must know the very hidden REALITY. That is :
- From Each According to his Destiny; To Each According to his Wisdom.
- Who are you? You are no more no less than what you bring along(good/bad) with you from your unaccountable PAST Lives; which information(destiny) resides in the pituitary gland somewhere around in your forehead.
- Destiny (a form of energy accumulated thru out numerous PAST Lives) stays intact tightly with each individual; in accordance to his Karma.
- Destiny is the closest form of energy(for good & bad) within each individual. It is closest to you than your mind and soul. That’s explained why you do certain stuffs beyond your logical mind comprehension and feel explosively and repressively at certain times with no clear reasons, unavoidably. Something is pushing you yet you could not explain why!
- Due to ignorant of this, people tend to fill up their hollowness by all kind of events and doings; including get into unhappy remarriage(refer to extreme cases) to fill their emptiness; perform more sexual intercourse to confirm their supremacy, socializing unnecessarily to kill their times, over entertaining to get a feel of happiness(but very short term)…. you can go on with the list…
- Until one day suddenly he has waken up and wanted to make a change to his Destiny. Even this kind of wake up call is also due to the timing allowed in his life blue print, destiny.
- Even God the Almighty also is tighten up with his Destiny to the list of do’s & don’ts.
- When any being (including deities or gods) is subjected to emancipation of holy/unholy, good/bad, do’s & don’ts, black/white, heaven/hell, master/slave, clean/dirty etc… then he is trapped in the domain of Yin Yang, which is the fundamental platform for his very own destiny (a form of energy that locks him forever from real liberation).
- You are able to get this GOLDEN opportunity to read this kind of message NOW; is also due to the allowance of your Destiny( which you accumulated thru out unaccountable life cycles).
- The core message of this article is : Each Individual Has At Least 5-10 Years of Golden Age thru his life span, according to Chinese Metaphysics.
- Some individual may get more than 10 years. But, The Length of Golden Age is always multiple of 5. For example may be get 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of Good Luck.
- According to Yijing, Number 5 is about WISDOM. That is why human being and all Kind of Homo Sapiens has 5 fingers for each hand and leg; score the the highest IQ markers, where human is on the top and followed by Homo Sapiens within planet Earth.
- Your destiny has spelled out clearly when is your Golden Age to reach the peak of your life. Some may come at the early age, some in the middle age and some at the later part of their life.
- During the period of your Golden Age; you will feel that all kind of Good Lucks come to your way automatically without planning. It is the time that you are enhanced and boosted by this Golden Age from various aspects of your life, including career, wealth, health, family, children and so on.
- Golden Age not only provides you with all kind of conveniences, but also many opportunities and chances to uplift your life.
- Nonetheless, it is still a huge different between those are prepared & unprepared.
- Those who have prepared for the arrival of Golden Age(in accordance to their BaZi) always get the UPPER hand to Optimize the contents (wealth, career and family) as spelled out in their BaZi/ Destiny. This is the group of people who can Maximize the “Profits” out from their Destiny/BaZi by Add-On Human Intervention. Because this is inline with “To Each According to his Wisdom”.
- On the contrary, those who are unprepared, they still could enjoy benefits and profits from the arrival of Golden Age, undoubtedly. Because this is inline with “From Each According to His Destiny”.
- Nevertheless, without the preparedness for Instant Add-On Human Intervention; the profiting and benefiting percentage(%) ” is NOT being Optimized and Maximized in according to one’s wisdom”.
- How to Optimize and Maximize the success rate% ? How to Maximize the profiting rate from your destiny? How to Maximize the benefits from your destiny?
- For further information, email master@mastersoon.com.
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333