- Life “WITH” Add-On Human Actions = Your Destiny 你的命运
- Life WITHOUT Human Actions = Your Fate 你的宿命.
- Life + Actions = Destiny 命运
- Life – Actions = Fate 宿命
- Be Determine to Act for your Destiny 行动改就是变命运
- Do not Be Fated for your Fate. 无行动就是等待宿命
- Nevertheless, many people have taken many kind of actions, yet, still failed terribly.
- Actions takers are always more than non-action takers. The hectic & busy Metropolitan tell this fact clearly. Various Actions have been adopted, still, success is always limited to selected few.
- Why? Because you have no-ideas about how to break the yoke/burden of Karma, which has been plugged into one’s shoulder transcending time continuum from one dimension to another, from one realm to another.
- Failure to recognize the hidden Karmic Yoke/Burden; further terrorizes one’s soul.
- This is also explaining why you fail one after another although many actions had been taken/adopted.
- Why? Because you took the wrong actions due to wrong understand/perception of life.
- Why? Because you rejected to recognize the very existence/reality of your personal Yoke of Karma.
- Why? Because you would never be able to liberate yourself, if you do not identify the Karmic Yoke.
- Why? If you do not liberate yourself from this Karmic Yoke, then what soever actions taken are synonymous to ox ploughing. 牛耕田;
- There is no way to remove this Karmic Yoke by “hardworking”; because ox is more hardworking than human yet, it could not change her own destiny.
- Hence, it is safe to conclude that “success is NOT by hardworking”. You Must let go of this “opium” planted in your mind by capitalists. Yet, hardworking is one of the success factor but NOT the only action.
- From Chinese Metaphysics, Actions refer to unorthodox methods, uncommon procedures, unconventional routines and unusual modus operandi.
- There are certain methodologies and mechanisms to help you to identify your Karmic Yoke and further dismantling/breaking it from your shoulder.
- Without the Burdening Yoke over your shoulders, Life will be much easier for you.
- Without the Karmic Yoke, every step of your life will be much lighter and joyful.
- To sprint or run in full speed, you MUST firstly make yourself Free from the Yoke.
- For more information, email to master@mastersoon.com
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”, Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333