There is a statement ” Color is not feng shui”. Do you think this statement is correct?
From my experience, No, the statement is NOT correct. Color effects your feng shui outcome.
Color, is categried under one dimension aspect in feng shui system. This single dimension, although is simpler compared to our 3-D daily life, but it does play a role in your life indirectly and something unconsciously.
However, I do agree that feng shui your house with life gua and house gua are very much miss leading. Why? because the understanding of life gua as a fundalmental corner stone is very much diverted from the actual meaning.
Firstly, the classification of your 5 elements by life gua is over simplification of your pre-heaven energy capacity and your gifted energy.
Secondly, lack of certain element does NOT mean you need to add it in or top up that particular lacking element.
There are certain color law to apply. In Yijing, we call it as 《不易》 Unchanged / Null Change.
《不易》 Unchanged / Null Change tells that the common law for life existence. For example, everyone needs water for life. It does not mean that your water element is too much then, you cannot drink water. You don’t have to paint your whole bedroom become red to counter your excessive water element.
In conjunction to this, attached are 2 bedrooms color designed by a feng shui practitioner to be fully in red. According to him, this red color is fire is to help to counter water. However, after a few months, they are some strange inccident happend to the occupant of this room.
What inccident? Romance & Boy Girl relationship. This is an extraordinary Romance inccident….
Off course, incident happens due to interaction of Cosmantic 天时, Humantics人和 and Geomantics地利. Color, as a single dimension(1-D) alone could not induce a happening which requires 3-D continuum as the platform…..
To understannd this you need to have “eye of Yijing”, “eye of San Yuan” , “eye of San He” and “eye of Bazi”
Stay Tune for further metaphysical explaination.