Dragon year is expecting more deliveries of baby boy and baby girl. It is the responsibility of Chinese parents to select an auspicious name for their babies. This is to ensure the path of their baby in the future is smooth, rich, healthy and happy. However, the booming demands for Chinese name selection for new born baby has started since December 2011.
The main reason why Malaysian Chinese parents choose to have baby in 2012 is mostly due to year of Dragon, which is considered as auspicious year among 12 Chinese zodiacs. Normally, the bazi 八字(time/date/month/year of birth) of the baby is calculated for analysis of his/her destiny before certain Chinese name is dedicated. It is highly advisable to take bazi 八字(time/date/month/year of birth) in serious consideration as one of the parameter for Chinese name selection. On top of that, the Bazi 八字 of the father & mother are equally important to ensure that the name selection does consider the value of the parents. The Chinese name of both parents and grandparents also equally important in term of generational lineage consideration. This is to consider the baby name selection does not clash with their forefather’s name(this will be elaborated in future article)
Parents who need Chinese name selection, must provide the details as below
- Birth Year/Month/Day/Time of the baby
- Gender of the baby – boy or girl
- names of baby’s siblings (if any)
- Name of the Parents
- Birth Year/Month/Day/Time of both parents
- Name of the paternal grandparents
In Malayisa, normally the parents are given 10 days allowance to register the name for their new born baby. So, it is highly advisable for the parents for start considering name selection as early as possible.
for further information :
If you need Chinese Name Selection for your baby, kindly contact Master Soon (bilingual)at
- email : master@mastersoon.com
- mobile : +6012 560 3333