- Different Quality Different Outcome; Different Horizon Different Spectrum!
- Many wanted to have a change in their lives.
- However, change requires the injection of NEW momentum.
- New momentum requires new instigation/incitement or NEW input(in layman’s terms)
- How about inviting you to see your BaZi from a different perspective, far from the old school of thought?
- Let’s take the Lichun立春2024 chart & show you a new paradigm but highly practical.
- First Step, divide the chart into HALF (50 Vs 50),
- then you will find the details below
- Year Pillar 甲辰 (Eastern Dragon)
- Month Pillar 丙寅 (Eastern Sun)
- aren’t both referring to the Eastern Hemisphere(from the Middle East to East Asia)?
- Sun + East = The Rising Sun in Asia, Asia is ascending!
- then you will find the details below
- Step 2, the other HALF ;
- It split into 2 parts, namely
- Day Pillar 戊戌 (Afterglow at 7 PM, Middle East)
- Time Pillar 庚申 (The West)
- The Western Bloc led by the U.S is experiencing short-life Afterglow)
- It split into 2 parts, namely
- Step 3, merge all into 1 single picture;
- The general trend of the world today is rising eastward and falling westward 东升西降!
- The U. S is experiencing sunset Glory in 2024!
- Step 4, Identify the Earthly Branch of Day Pillar!
- do you know that your Day Pillar is your truest self & truest timing?
- do you know that your Time Pillar is the time matrix that sets who & what you are by BIRTH?
- Remark 1: If what is being described above (global outlook) via the BaZi chart is close to the reality of the current world; it is no harm for you to test your BaZi with this method.
- Remark 2: The reason you split your BaZi into 2 domains is because it is by the law of Bipolar 太极生两仪!
- Remark 3: When Bipolar cannot provide you with a convincing answer, then you further split it into 4 parts; because this is by Quadripolar 两仪生四象!
- Remark 4: When you want to change/transform your Luck, then you should NOT (depend/rely/ comply) Luck Cyle 十年大运; especially when you are having a bad one. Why? Because the Luck Cycle is the Matrix of Fatalism that TRAPS you.
- Footnote 1: Does the U.S. accept his descending Luck Cycle? No. The U.S. refuses to accept the fatalistic Luck Cycle! Because he wants to prolong his domination although he knows that his power is sunsetting!
- Footnote 2: Will China replace the U.S. as world No.1? No, It could be anyone to replace the U.S. as world No.1 including Russia, China, India, or Islamic country. That is why China is super careful of all attempts and strategies to avoid sudden misfortune; even though the chart is favorable to China.
- Footnote 3: Now can you see why I repeatedly claim that Lucky Colors/Numbers/Directions are becoming lesser & lesser weight in transforming your Luck, especially under metaverse’s multi-color / multi-dimension / multi-taskings during Period 9?
- Footnote 4: The U. S cannot resist the descending trend for itself. Only wisdom & intelligence in their policies and strategies could help to prolong Western domination; although cannot reverse the trend!
- Footnote 5: Wars could be created to get everyone back to square one and restart the game!
- Do you get something new for your paradigm shift?
Stay Tuned
Master Soon
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