- This a real case study where my client has successfully excelled even during
pandemics. - I helped him to renew his home feng shui set up on 01 July 2020 during MCO1; via Whatsapp.
- I visited his house on 11 Aug 2020 to justify everything was in place correctly.
- There was a process of feng shui technical setup, that I explain below this article.
- Of course, I did include factor of his Year/Month/Day/Time/City of Birth as part of feng shui enhancement.
- Because you need to make sure the setup was done to benefit which person specifically.
- The whole feng shui set up is linked /connected to Mid Valley via bathtub in master bedroom.
- All these were done & finished by Aug 2020.
- On 12 Dec 2020, he sent me an acknowledgement as below.
- Meaning to say, he must have tasted the fruit of feng shui from Sept to Nov 2020.
- Well, I regarded it as normal and common outcome after feng shui setup.
- However, he noted me again after another 3 months, on 21 March 2021 recently.
- He has successfully won himself as regional player(Malaysia,Singapore, China & HK)
- The point : You can turn your Luck totally by some simple feng shui setup.
- What you need to have is a wireless router. Then I will be able to make use of your router(at certain height & certain angle) as part of the powerful feng shui set up as below :
- Then I could be able to link up your router to the powerful external feng shui spot(Mid Valley in this case);
- connecting external feng shui into your internal feng shui
- Then I will ask you to go to Shopee or Lazada to buy kind of lamp as below:
- Because this kind of lamp is part of the feng shui setup in this case; in accordance to personal BaZi & external feng shui.
- Within 3 to 6 months, then you could expect what this client enjoys.
- Keywords : BaZi, Router, Lamp, Uplight, Downlight, Bathtub, Mid Valley.
- Mechanism : Link up your BaZi to External Feng Shui via Router & Lights.
This is not hypothesis. This is real case study happening now near to Mid Valley, KL.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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