Heavenly Dragon & Earthly Tiger 天龙地虎
Industries Affected Badly By Valcano Eyjafjallajokull
The World’s Airlines
The Oil Market
Europe Tourism
Flower Business
Shipping companies such as FedEx and UPS
Pharmaceuticals (rely on air cargo)
- …. more and more industries
It is reported that 10 dormant volcanoes that Could Blow And Cost The Economy Billions anytime.
In Chinese Metaphysics, Dragon and Tiger are considered as powerful creature and carry symbolic meaning. Dragon is always associated to the sky and heaven as celestial realm is dragon’s dominance. Therefore, we call the dragon as Heavenly Dragon 天龙. On the contrary, the earth is always associated with Tiger as terrestrial realm is tiger’s dominance地虎. In short, we call it as Heavenly Dragon and Earthly Tiger. These two components always come hand in hand as a pair, just like Yin Yang concept.

Modern Heavenly Dragon & EarthlyTiger 现代版 天龙地虎
Year 2010 is the year of Western Metal Tiger(It is NOT Tigress). Since 2008,the world has entered into Wood Period 木运(2008 -2019) . It means 2010,2011 & 2012 would have global issues like Earthquake, Land Slide, Volcanic Eruption and more Earth related disasters.

Volcano Structure 火山结构
Interestingly, The Volcanic Eruption happens in April, which is the month of DRAGON according to the Chinese calender. Is this one more coincidence?
From modern perspective, the air plane could be understood as flying dragon in the air. It just nicely fix into ancient perspective of Heaven Dragon – which equivalent to flying airplane.
Whereby, the Blasting Volcano is similar to the Growling Tiger, Geng Yin Year 2010 庚寅年.
From feng shui perspective, Tiger is synonymous to LAW OF THE EARTH, whereby Dragon is identical to LAW OF THE HEAVEN. The volcano eruption (Tiger – Law of the Earth) happens in the month of April (month of Dragon – Law of the Heaven) , which altering and influencing the global business outcome and revenue.
If the report of “10 dormant volcanoes that Could Blow And Cost The Economy Billions anytime” is true, then, the question is when and how this tiger would growl again and cause more global crisis in term of safety, politics and economy.
Stay Tuned…