“How you are fallen from heaven in the WEST, O Jennifer, daughter of the sunset!”
How you are cut down and crushed to the ground,
You who weakened your own clan and gen!
For you have said in your heart:
“I will ascend into heaven in the WEST,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of the Highest in the West;
I will also sit on the mount of the multitudes,
On the farthest sides of the north in reaching to the seductive crow; I will ascend above the heights of the heaven,
I will be like the Highest”.
Yet you shall be brought down to the Inferno,
To the lowest depths of the Abyss.
- You have officially entered into a new brand of Ten Years Luck Cycle 十年大运 – Masculine Wood Dog Luck Cycle/Pillar 甲戌大运, from +/- 21 January 2018 to 21 January 2028.
- You get Jia Wood/Masculine Wood(14%) as Indirect Support for the first time in your life (0% in your Natal Chart)
- Masculine Wood(EAST) could be understood as bamboo, forest jungle, pinewood, or solid wood. It refers to education, coaching, and consulting in terms of your career development.
- Go to the EASTERN World(Masculine Wood) in order to elevate your power of control and domination; for your career advancement.
- East Asian elements(be cultural, religious, or political) are very helpful to you; in terms of crystallizing your talents (which was hidden and untapped 1978-1988; being misused & deviated 1988-1998; boosted, groomed but eventually punctured 1998-2008; glamour, noisy and busy 2008-2018)
- Since it is Masculine Wood rather than Feminine Wood; so adopting East Asian Mentality/Reality/Possibility is better than South East Asian Mentality/Reality/Possibility. Because you are Solid Wood/Bamboo(North East Asian Element – China, Taiwan, H.Kong, Macau Japan, & Korea) is better than South East Asia Element(Indo-China & Nusantara).
- As long as you adopt Bamboo Element(North-East Asia characteristic or LOOK EAST POLICY) you will be flying personnel wherever you are gone; as long as
- you are rooted with North East Asiatic elements
- your domain of core activity is based in East to North East from KL (Sarawak, The Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Eastern China, and Vietnam).
- Myanmar, Tibet, and All countries in the North West and West from KL (Nepal, Bhutan, North India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Arabs, Africa, Sri Lanka, Sumatra) are considered as the unlucky crow is not suitable for you according to your chart.
- Why? Because your day pillar is a burning sun. Yet, you are the SUN from 7 pm to 9 pm 丙戌, SUNSET. Once you go to the WEST, immediately the radiance for your sunshine becomes weaker and weaker like SUNSET(which it was a proven fact that you had suffered from failure when you were trying your luck in the UK for the last 10 years).
- Hence, what you see the flying birds(opportunities) in the sky is none other than the shadow of the birds(Dark Bird equivalent to crow). The Crow will never be LUCK Transforming phoenix. Never. Sticking to the crow is associating with the darkness.
- Due to illusion, the crow(northern water element) could be seen as white cock(western metal element); seemed to be holy of the holiest. However, they are the devils in the image of angels.
- The Western Metal Cock will be back into your chart from the year 2020-2021 and the Crow will be back in years 2022-2023.
- Nevertheless, an illusion will never come true if the heart is in deep meditation(Samadhi).
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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